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[s-b] [auto] PlayerPersonman amends p1926

Auto-mailed on nweek 71, nday 3
Sent at Mon Oct 18 01:04:22 2004 GMT

PlayerPersonman has amended p1926.

Proposal 1926/1: Conditional Triggers
A Standard Proposal by PlayerPersonman
Last modified on nweek 71, nday 3

Add a rule:
_Conditional Triggers_
The List of Conditional Triggers is a Game Document. It is made up of a list of Types followed list of sequentially numbered Triggers. 

A. Triggers

A.1. Attributes
Each Trigger has the following attributes: 

A Name
A Type
A Condition
A List of Actions 
A List of Subscribers

A.1.a Name 
The Name of a trigger is any ASCII string specified by the Trigger's Creator. It has no effect whatsoever of the game, and should any confusion arise, Triggers should be reffered to by their number. 

A.1.b Type
The Type of a Trigger must be one of the Types found in the List of Types. 

A.1.c Condition
The Condition of a Trigger must specify a specific condition or list of conditions [[e.g.  "I have less than 100 Tildex" or "I have no Tomatoes and I have no Cards in my Hand."]] upon which the Actions in the List of Actions for that Trigger are performed. Parentheses should be used to remove ambiguity from lists of Conditions [[For example, "(I have no Tomatoes) and (I have no Tildex or I have less than 200 points)" will trigger both when a Subscriber has no tomatoes, no Tildex, and 500 points and when a Subscriber has no Tomatoes, 20 Tildex, and 150 points, while "(I have no Tomatoes and I have no Tildex) or (I have less than 200 points)" will trigger both when a Subscriber has no tomatoes, no tildex, and 300 points and when they have 5 tomatoes, 100 tildex, and 150 points. ]] 

A.1.d List of Actions
The List of Actions contains any number of actions to be executed, sequentially, by all Subscribers to the Trigger, at such a time as the Condition is true. If any Subscriber is unable to or has previously publicly stated that e does no wish to take any of the actions stated in the List of Actions, e does not take those actions. No Trigger may cause a player to take and action e could not otherwise take, nor may any Trigger cause any unsubscribed player to take any action whatsoever. No Trigger may give points, Vines, Renown, or any other Game Object or Resource to any player for any reason whatsoever. [[This does not of course mean that you can't get points, etc. from actions caused by the Trigger. It just can't have "I gain 10 points" as an Action in the List. ]] 
An action may be marked with a * before it's first character. All such starred actions must be actions which any player on the List of Subscribers could perform when the Condition is met. If any player on the List of Subscribers could not perform a starred action, that action is not performed. When a starred action would be performed, it is not performed by any of the players on the List of Subscribers, but rather is not considered to have any perpetrator whatsoever. Starred actions may not refer to specific players. [[These exist so that actions such as "Make a new trigger of X type with X condition..etc." can exist. If such an action were added unstarred, all subscribers would make a new trigger with the same name, and that's never good. They can't refer to specific players because that could lead to situations under which the game is throwing peoples Tomatoes at other people, and no one is losing Honor for it because no one threw them... ]]
Actions may be conditional. [[Conditions for conditional actions are checked for each Subscriber, for example, and action which states "If i have 10 or more Tildex, I pay 5 Tildex to the Basin" causes all Subscribers with 10 or more Tildex to pay 5 to the basin, and all others to do nothing. 

A.1.e List of Subscribers
The List of Subscribers is a list of the names of players. When a Trigger's Condition is met, all players whose names appear on the List of Subscribers perform all actions listed in that Trigger's List of Actions, unless they are prevented from doing so. Any player may add eir name to the List of Subscribers of any existing Trigger at any time. Any player may remove eir name from the List of Subscribers of any existing Trigger at any time. No player may add any name other than eir own to the List of Subscribers of any Trigger. 
Players may add a pair of parentheses to their names with anything inside them. These do not affect their status as subscribers, but may specify parameters referred to in the Trigger. 

A.2 Creation
Any player may at any time announce eir intention to create a Trigger. This statement of intention must include the full text of the Trigger to be created. Upon such a statement being made, the stating player calls an indeterminate VBW election on the Trigger. If it passes, the proposing player adds the Trigger to the List of Conditional Triggers. 

A.3 Inactivity
Any Trigger with an empty List of Subscribers gains the attribute "Inactive". Inactive Triggers are still part of the list, but their action lists are considered empty until such a time as they have Subscribers again.

B. List of Types
The List of Types is a list of Types of Triggers. A type specifies any miscellaneous information about a Trigger not stated in it's Condition or List of Actions. All Triggers must have Types. 

B.1. Creation
A Type may be created only after being passed as part of a Proposal. There are no restrictions on what sorts of Types may exist. [[Because Types do not abide by the same rules as the actions in the List of Actions, allowing players to make them for free would be... bad. ]]


Add the following to the List of Types:
A Single-Use Trigger removes itself fromt the List of Conditional Triggers after it's Condition has been met and it's actions performed. [[Note that you can't simmply add a "remove this trigger" action to the end of the list, as players may not remove triggers from the list.]]

An N-Use Trigger has an extra attribute, Uses. Uses is a string consisting of a number set by the creator of the Trigger, the string " Used: ", a number equal to the number of times that Triggers condition has been met, and the string " times." If the second number in Uses becomes equal to the first number in Uses, the Trigger removes itself from the List of Conditional Triggers. [[For clarity, Uses looks like this: 

Uses: 5 Used: 3 times.


An eternal Trigger can never be removed from the List of Conditional Triggers unless a Proposal which removes it passes. 


Add the following to the List of Conditional Triggers:

1. Weeding and Watering

Type: Eternal

Condition: Weeding and Watering has not triggered this checking period.

List of Actions:
    If I have more Tildex than the number in parentheses after my name in the List of Subscribers for this Trigger, I pay 5 Tildex times the number of Vines I own that I have not paid weeding and watering costs for this checking period to the Basin to cover weeding and watering costs for them.

List of subscribers:

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