Daniel Peter Lepage on Mon, 26 Jul 2004 12:37:16 -0500 (CDT)

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Re: Re: [spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] Renumbering CFIs

Poly-Go is p1883/1.

> What if we had multiple databases with a common format: one for CFIs,
> one for props, and one for rules? Then different Players could take care
> of each database, and the web interface could access all of them.

What do you mean by a "common format"? One of the big drawbacks of the current one-database-for-everything system is that proposals, rules, and cfis are fundamentally different, and shouldn't be bound to the same too-general format. As it is, things like "this is a respect prop", "this rule has Chutzpah 5", and "Squire of Dimness ruled this CFI FALSE" are being added usually in the 'text' field, or in the general purpose 'notes' field. This makes it tricky to do things like smoothly insert/edit new CFI rulings, alter the Chutzpah of rules, and do special things when respect props pass.

With separate formats for each document, we could have rule documents that store their Chutzpah as a field, proposals with a <type> field, and a different document class for CFI Judgments.

I suggest that the easiest way to do this would be to agree on a standard record format for each document type. Then we put ministers in charge of translating declared game actions into the appropriate format, and displaying the current documents. At the end of each nweek, that nweek's docs could be passed to a set of scripts on bnomic.org that would translate them into MySQL data and put them in the indexed, searchable database for historical reference.

By the way, is there any reason why we put revision numbers on proposals? It's often helpful to look back on prior versions of the rules, because they can often change drastically and we don't keep old versions anywhere else, but proposals tend not to change very substantially, and the mailing list archives hold all the older versions anyway... Why bother keeping them all in a database?


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