dwhytock on Wed, 21 Apr 2004 23:22:51 -0500 (CDT)

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[Spoon-business] It Ain't Dead Yet!

Seeing as how it's not the end of the nweek, I change Proposal 
1841 as follows:

Remove all comments.

That'll make it not a prose prop, at least.

On top of that, I'd like to urge people to vote for this, 
especially if we're thinking about inter-nomic commerce again.  
I particularly envisioned technologies to come in handy in 
terms of item production, alteration or synthesis, like the 
good ol' days on the grid.  Among the things a technology 
might do is process a particular out-of-game item and turn it 
into a brand spankin' new item, which we can then sell back to 
its source.

Does this give an advantage to older players?  Not per se, 
since a new player can come in, propose eir own technology, 
and start profiting.  Even if it did, existing players already 
have an advantage, having points and everything else that a 
newbie doesn't.

So.  What would make the Technologies prop palatable?


The Ivory Mini-Tower: a blog study in Social Technology.

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