Daniel Lepage on 13 Jan 2004 03:17:38 -0000

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[Spoon-business] Fixing Age Groups

Right, this prop aims to alter some of the bugs in the Age Groups rule. Also, the entry in the database appears to be missing the first paragraph of the rule, which reads:
There exist five groups of players called Age Groups. No player may ever be in more than one age group.

I propose:

__Age before Beauty__

Amend rule 1282 to read:
__Age Groups__

A. Age Groups
There exist groups of players called Age Groups. No player may ever be in more than one age group.
B. Newbies
All players who have been playing for less than two nweeks and less than a month are in the Newbie age group. Such players are called Newbies.
C. Civilians
All players who have been playing for more than a month but less than six months are in the Experienced age group. Such players are called Civilians.
D. Veterans
All players who have been playing for between six months and one year are in the Veteran age group. Such players are called Veterans.
When a player becomes a Veteran, e receives one point of Respect.

E. Oligarchs
All players who have been playing for between one year and two years are in the Oligarch age group. Such players may be referred to as Oligarchs. They may also be referred to by whichever of the following titles matches their gender:
Male: Patriarch
Female: Matriarch
Drone: Neutriarch
Undeclared: Waffliarch
When a player becomes an Oligarch, e receives three points of Respect.

F. Ancients
All players who have been playing for more than two years are in the Elder age group. Such players may be referred to as Ancients. They may also be referred to by the title matching their genders as described in the above section, with "Elder" prepended to the title. When a player becomes an Ancient, e receives five points of Respect, and the number of Wins in eir possession increases by one. However, this does not cause any events triggered by the awarding of a Win to occur. This supersedes any and all rules which govern the events triggered by a Win.
G. Reborn players
If a player quits the game and rejoins, e is considered a new player for the purposes of this rule; that is, e will begin over as a Newbie.
H. The Revered Elder
The player who has been in the game for the longest time holds the title "Revered Elder."

Create a new rule:
__Honorary Age__

Players may be Honorary Members of Age Groups; a player may only become an Honorary Member of an Age Group as permitted by the rules.
While a player is an Honorary Member of an Age Group, e is treated as 
if e were in that Age Group in addition to any other Age Groups e might 
be in. [[Thus, a player might only be a newbie, but might be granted an 
Honorary Veteranship if, say, they're only a newbie because a loophole 
booted em from the game.]]


Award Wonko a Win.
Version: 3.1
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