David E. Smith on 22 Oct 2003 04:00:20 -0000

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[Spoon-business] Nweek 51 RESULTS

Anything McGee votes Preemptively. Yay. 'bout time someone used the PV rule.

The new Gremlin Number is 11.

Welcome to nweek 52. This nweek is brought to you by a crazy company based
in Latvia, whose software will, against my better judgment and in fact all
common sense, soon be running large portions of my office.

Proposal 1687/0 (Yes, I decided to do it) (SkArcher):
AFF: Anything McGee, Baron von Skippy, bd, Glotmorf, Iain, SkArcher,
     Teucer, Wild Card, Wonko
Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (9-0-0-0). Measure passes. SkArcher gains 7 points.
Unanimous passage (+5 points).
Created r205/5.

Proposal 1688/0 (This Is Your Brain On Leave) (Anything McGee):
AFF: Anything McGee, bd
NEG: Baron von Skippy, Glotmorf, Iain, Teucer
SHL: SkArcher, Wild Card, Wonko
Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (2-4-0-3). Measure fails. Measure is shelved.
Created p1695/0.

Proposal 1689/0 (I never liked that one anyway) (bd):
AFF: Anything McGee
NEG: Baron von Skippy, Glotmorf, Iain, SkArcher, Teucer, Wild Card, Wonko
ABS: bd
Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (1-7-1-0). Measure fails. bd loses 2 points.

Proposal 1690/0 (Quote prop by Glotmorf) (Glotmorf):
AFF: Baron von Skippy, bd, Glotmorf, Iain, SkArcher, Teucer, Wild Card
ABS: Anything McGee, Wonko
Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (7-0-2-0). Measure passes. Quote prop.

Proposal 1691/0 (I'm With Stupid) (Glotmorf):
AFF: Anything McGee, Baron von Skippy, bd, Glotmorf, Iain, Teucer, Wonko
NEG: SkArcher, Wild Card
Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (7-2-0-0). Measure passes. Glotmorf gains 12 points.
Created r154/24.

Proposal 1692/2 (Stop that!) (Wonko):
AFF: Baron von Skippy, bd, Glotmorf, Iain, SkArcher, Teucer, Wild Card,
NEG: Anything McGee (x3)
Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (8-3-0-0). Measure passes. Wonko gains 11 points.
Created r437/5.

Proposal 1693/0 (Quote prop by Teucer) (Teucer):
AFF: Baron von Skippy, bd, Glotmorf, Iain, SkArcher, Teucer, Wild Card
NEG: Wonko
ABS: Anything McGee
Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (7-1-1-0). Measure passes. Quote prop.

Affirmative vote counts (BW Grem):
SkArcher: 9 votes
Anything McGee: 2 votes
bd: 1 votes
Glotmorf: 7 votes
Wonko: 8 votes
Teucer: 7 votes

Contrary vote counts (1pt per):
Anything McGee: 4 votes

Psychic vote counts (IOB):
Anything McGee: 2 votes
Baron von Skippy: 5 votes
Wonko: 4 votes
SkArcher: 4 votes
Wild Card: 4 votes
bd: 4 votes
Iain: 5 votes
Glotmorf: 5 votes
Teucer: 5 votes

Plus Points:
SkArcher: 12
Glotmorf: 12
Wonko: 11

Minus Points:
bd: 2

Plus Props:
SkArcher: 1
Glotmorf: 1
Wonko: 1

Minus Props:
bd: 1
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