David E. Smith on 8 Oct 2003 01:55:03 -0000

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[Spoon-business] NWEEK 50 RESULTS

Anything McGee returns from Leave, and reclaims eir proxy from BvS.
Wonko returns from Leave.

"Yes, I decided to do it" is p1687/0.
"This Is Your Brain On Leave" is p1688/0.

SirPasta forfeits. I'll keep the pot of Spaghetti warm for you.
Emil Bleehall is evicted (Garbage Collection).

The new Gremlin Number is 64.

Welcome, at long last, to nweek 51.

Proposal 1671/0 (Slightly Easier?) (Wonko):
AFF: Anything McGee (x3)
NEG: Baron von Skippy, bd, Glotmorf, Rob, Teucer, The Pusher Robot, Wonko
ABS: Iain, SkArcher
Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (3-7-2-0). Measure fails. Wonko loses 4 points.

Proposal 1672/1 (Spaghetti) (SirPasta):
AFF: Teucer
NEG: Anything McGee, bd, Iain, Rob, SkArcher, The Pusher Robot
ABS: Glotmorf, Wonko
SHL: Baron von Skippy
Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (1-6-2-1). Measure fails. SirPasta loses 3 points.

Proposal 1676/1 (All of that he said, she said crowd) (SkArcher):
AFF: Baron von Skippy, bd, Glotmorf, Iain, SkArcher, The Pusher Robot, Wonko
NEG: Anything McGee, Teucer
ABS: Rob
Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (7-2-1-0). Measure passes. SkArcher gains 8 points.
Created r1081/10.

Proposal 1677/0 (And T-Shirts For Most) (Teucer):
AFF: Anything McGee, Iain, Teucer
NEG: Baron von Skippy, Glotmorf, Rob, SkArcher, Wonko
ABS: bd
SHL: The Pusher Robot
Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (3-5-1-1). Measure fails. Teucer loses 1 points.

Proposal 1678/0 (Non-Alcoholic?!?!?) (SkArcher):
AFF: Anything McGee, Baron von Skippy, bd, Glotmorf, Iain, Rob, SkArcher,
     The Pusher Robot, Wonko
NEG: Teucer
Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (9-1-0-0). Measure passes. SkArcher gains 14 points.
Added keyword. (This sorta thing doesn't require a proposal, folks.
There's some rule that lets me add keywords at will. Just mention it,
preferably on -business or privately to me, and it'll probably happen.)

Proposal 1679/0 (Quote Prop by BvS) (Baron von Skippy):
AFF: Anything McGee, Baron von Skippy (x2), Iain, Rob, Teucer, The Pusher Robot
NEG: Glotmorf, SkArcher, Wonko
ABS: bd
Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (7-3-1-0). Measure passes. Quote prop.

Proposal 1680/0 (T-shirts improved (I hope)) (SirPasta):
AFF: Anything McGee
NEG: Baron von Skippy, bd, Glotmorf, Iain, Rob, SkArcher, Teucer, The
     Pusher Robot, Wonko
Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (1-9-0-0). Measure fails. SirPasta loses 5 points.

Proposal 1681/0 (T-shirt Props) (SirPasta):
AFF: Teucer
NEG: Baron von Skippy, bd, Glotmorf, Iain, Rob, SkArcher (x3), The Pusher
     Robot, Wonko
SHL: Anything McGee
Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (1-10-0-1). Measure fails. SirPasta loses 2 points.

Proposal 1682/1 (I never liked that one anyway) (bd):
AFF: bd, Iain, Rob, SkArcher, The Pusher Robot
NEG: Anything McGee, Baron von Skippy, Teucer
SHL: Glotmorf, Wonko
Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (5-3-0-2). Measure fails. Measure is shelved.
Created p1689/0.

Proposal 1683/0 (DELETED) (bd):
AFF: Baron von Skippy, bd, Iain, Rob, SkArcher
NEG: Anything McGee, Glotmorf, Teucer, The Pusher Robot, Wonko
Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (5-5-0-0). Measure fails. bd loses 5 points.
Fatally Flawed (no effect).

Proposal 1684/0 (No Square Pegs in the Round Hole) (M-Tek):
AFF: Anything McGee, Baron von Skippy, bd, Glotmorf, Iain, Rob, SkArcher,
     Teucer, The Pusher Robot, Wonko
Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (10-0-0-0). Measure passes. M-Tek gains 10 points.
Unanimous passage.
Created r16/3.

Proposal 1685/0 (After you.) (Rob):
AFF: Baron von Skippy, bd, Glotmorf, Iain, Rob, Wonko
NEG: Teucer
ABS: Anything McGee, SkArcher, The Pusher Robot
Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (6-1-3-0). Measure passes. Rob gains 11 points.
Created r1639/2.

Proposal 1686/0 (Better safe than confused) (Rob):
AFF: Baron von Skippy, bd, Glotmorf, Iain, Rob, Teucer, Wonko
ABS: Anything McGee, SkArcher, The Pusher Robot
Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (7-0-3-0). Measure passes. Rob gains 3 points.
Created r1639/3.

Affirmative vote counts (BW Grem):
Wonko: 1 votes
SirPasta: 3 votes
SkArcher: 16 votes
Teucer: 3 votes
Baron von Skippy: 6 votes
bd: 10 votes
M-Tek: 10 votes
Rob: 13 votes

Contrary vote counts (1pt per):
Anything McGee: 4 votes
Teucer: 6 votes
Iain: 2 votes
Rob: 1 votes
Baron von Skippy: 1 votes
SkArcher: 1 votes
bd: 1 votes

Psychic vote counts (IOB):
Teucer: 5 votes
Rob: 9 votes
Baron von Skippy: 9 votes
Glotmorf: 10 votes
Wonko: 10 votes
The Pusher Robot: 8 votes
bd: 9 votes
Anything McGee: 4 votes
SkArcher: 7 votes
Iain: 8 votes

Plus Points:
SkArcher: 22
M-Tek: 15
Rob: 14

Minus Points:
Wonko: 4
SirPasta: 10
Teucer: 1
bd: 5

Plus Props:
SkArcher: 2
M-Tek: 1
Rob: 2

Minus Props:
Wonko: 1
SirPasta: 3
Teucer: 1
bd: 1

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