Daniel Lepage on 14 Sep 2003 17:23:09 -0000

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Re: [Spoon-business] A New Societal Subgame

I announce my intent to join the Mercantile Society, and give Teucer a point.


On Sunday, September 14, 2003, at 09:46 AM, Craig wrote:

Because the Underground Society is a cool idea, I hereby create a society called the Mercantile Society, with myself as a member. It exists for the
purpose of playing another society-based subgame, called Merchants. Our
charter is below. All players of B Nomic are encouraged to join.

To join the Mercantile Society, a player must announce eir intent to join
and transfer one point to Teucer and one point to the Society for each
player who has already joined.

The member may then state in a private message to Teucer on which space on the small map e wishes to build eir Capital City. E may not choose a space
containing only ocean; these are listed below the map.

   A B C D E F G H I K L M N

1  . . . . . f f f f . f . .
2  . . . . f f f j j . f . .
3  g m d d g g g g f . . . .
4  m d d g g g g r . . . . .
5  f g g . . . . . . . . . .
6  . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, D1, D2, F6, G6, H6, I6, K5, K6, L4, L5, L6, M4, M5,
M6, N3, N4, N5, and N6 contain no land.

F represents Forest.
G represents Grassland.
J represents Jungle.
M represents Mountains.
R represents River.
D represents Desert.

At any point before the start of the game, a member may state on the Public Forum that e wishes to close the society. If a majority of members agree to close the society, all paragraphs in this charter which preceed this one are removed and replaced with the text {{Players may not join the Mercantile
Society.}} and the game of Merchants will begin. It is described in the
following paragraphs. Although Teucer is a member of the Society, e does not play in the game of Merchants described below. Instead, e is the moderator of the game. If a majority of members other than Teucer agree to any change to this charter, the charter is changed accordingly. Teucer has the power to
modify the charter at will.

A large map will then be posted showing the precise locations of the capital cities and the boundaries between the nations. All points will belong to the
nation with the nearest capital city.

Each member will privately be informed what resources e has. These may
include any of the following:


Each player will have a total of fifteen resources. They will be chosen by
Teucer, partly at random and partly based on the player's territory.

At any time, a player may post a message to the public forum offering a
trade to another player. The offer stands until it is accepted or withdrawn. If an offer is accepted, the goods in question are exchanged. No player may accept an offer if it would require em to give away goods e does not have.

Every Checkpoint, one Gold is given to all players who have ten of each
other resource.

When the majority of members have ten of each resource other than gold, the players who do have ten of each non-gold resource will each receive from the Society one point per member with less gold than them who does have ten of each non-gold resource and one point per member who does not have ten of each non-gold resource. Each member who does not have ten of each resource other than gold receives from the society one point per member who also does not have ten of each resource other than gold and who has less gold than the
member in question.

 -- Teucer

"Be vewwy vewwy quiet. We're getting mawwied."


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