Daniel Lepage on 24 Mar 2003 01:13:02 -0000

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[Spoon-business] Proposals

I propose:
__Why doesn't someone just fix the darn thing?__

In rule 1081, section A.3, replace "Charm points" with "Style points".


__Hey, another fix!__

In rule 154, section B.6, replace "All Gnomes not in Gnome bags are destroyed" with "All Gnomes are destroyed; weather gnomes destroyed in this way do not cause an update of the weather."


__While we're at it...__

In rule 21, section A.3.1, replace "If the Location of a Recycling Center has the substance Fire, it is destroyed." with "If the Location of a Recycling Center has the substance Fire, the Recycling Center is destroyed."

Recreate all Grid Squares which were destroyed within the past two nweeks, putting Service Malls on all of them.

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