bd on 10 Mar 2003 23:07:02 -0000

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[Spoon-business] Donuts

I propose:
__mmm, donuts__

Replace rule 1137 with:
A. Definitions
 There exist three Gremlins called the Police Gremlins. They may individually 
be referred to as Joe, Larry, and Bob. If at any time one of the Cops becomes 
Active, it is immediately given an Airspeeder and placed on a randomly 
selected Service Mall.

At the beginning of each nweek, all Cops that are Hiding become Active. 
Whenever a Cop's Airspeeder is destroyed, the Cop in question goes into 
B. Uncle Sam is watching you...
Each Cop is said to be able to see all squares within five units of eir 
location, and all Grid Objects (including players) who are on those squares.

C. Movement

At the end of each nweek, all Cops who are Active move eir Airspeeders as many 
times as they can, moving each time in the legal direction which would bring 
em closer to a donut that they can see, or, failing that, the Wanted player 
who is nearest to em and that can be seen by any Cop. [[If any of them can 
see you, they all chase you]] If multiple wanted players can be seen by a 
Cop, and they are all equidistant from a Cop who needs to move, the moving 
Cop will choose one at random to move towards.

D. Into the slammer with you
If a Cop occupies a square that is also occupied by a Wanted player, that 
player is Apprehended, loses the attribute Wanted, and is put in a random 
empty Jail Cell, if one exists. When this happens, the Cop which did this 
goes into Hiding and takes and eats.eats the donuts held by said player. 

E. Donuts
There exist passable carryable SOs called donuts. A donut may be created by 
any player by stating so in a public forum, provided they have 15 Pints. When 
this happens a donut is created in eir inventory and 15 points are 
transferred to the Gremlin fund.

If a Cop sees a player with a donut, that player immediately becomes Wanted. 
When said player no longer holds a donut, or is no longet visible, e is no 
longer Wanted.

A player or a Cop may eat a donut. Thi donut must be in eir possession. this 
destroys the donut.

F. Are we done yet?
There exist passable carrayable SOs called Get out of jail free cards. A 
player holding one in a jail cell may Use it. This destroys the card and 
transports the player to the nearest Service Mall.

G. Bail
A player in a jail cell may pay 100 points to the gremlin fund to be 
transported to Limbo.

Append the following, as the highest-numberd subsection of section B, to rule 
__Get out of jail free cards__

There may exist Bonus Boxes of type Get out of jail free. When a player finds 
one, e receives a Get out of jail free card.

Append the following, as the highest-numberd subsection of section B, to rule 
__Go to jail__

There may exist Bonus Boxes of type Go to jail. When a player finds one, e 
becomes Wanted and all three of the Police Gremlins become Active.

[[ Yes, we're done now. ]]
Futurama is brought to you by Thompson's Teeth, the 
only teeth strong enough to eat other teeth.
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