Baron von Skippy on 7 Mar 2003 04:01:01 -0000

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[Spoon-business] Pirates of the Caffeination

I propose:

__Arr, Mateys!__

"Probability level at two to the ten thousandth power against and dropping." The Baron sat in his captain's chair on the bridge of the Crazy Squid, watching improbability swirl around outside. As a herd of penguins swooped overhead, he mused on the last mission. It had gone off without a hitch. They hadn?t been able to take much. Only six cans, but they couldn?t afford to take more without raising suspicion. "Probability level at two to the eight thousandth power against and dropping." Six Cans would be easily missed. WBE was a little trigger-happy these days, shooting off... that is, "testing the yield of" cans at Barney, large custom-made targets, passing clouds, etc... some of the more adventurous gunners were even firing spreads, trying to see how much damage they could do. And not all of them kept very good records. "Probability level at two to the five thousandth power against and dropping." Not that he knew what vSET wanted the things for. Besides just having them, of course. Some little concoction or another, he was sure. Maybe they wanted to reverse-engineer the things. With any other department, he would be more concerned, but Commander Campion usually returned good results. Sometimes he returned with scorched clothes and a grim report, but usually results. "Probability level at two to the two thousandth power against and dropping." A horde of rubber ducks marched in perfect formation a foot above the hull, providing a temporary distraction from his thoughts. Suddenly, though, they were scattered as a shock wave of some sort rocked the ship, followed a second later by an incredibly bright flash. Klaxons blared across the ship as the junior officer at the helm began calling out the sensor readings. "Sir, I'm reading a major IO at 2 power 1718. Something was created in realspace." "I thought the containment field prevented against Improbability Occurrences." "Well, they do; they're supposed to be nearly foolproof. A failure like this one is a one in a billion chance." The Baron made a mental note to make someone miserable for this. "Lieutenant, that's a probability of two to the twentieth power to one. We are currently at..."
     The computer chose that moment to chime in.
"Probability level at two to the thousandth power against and dropping." The lieutenant looked more than a little frightened. The Baron shook his head. Not the man's fault. It was someone's fault, though, and he intended to find out whose. For the time being, though, he had to wait. The speeder was coming in to land, and it was a bad idea to exit the speeder before normal probability was restored. He watched out a viewport as the Hot Pink Ops speeder next to his reverted to a Black Ops speeder, then hurried out the hatch and to the hangar commander's office above the bay. The commander was gone for the night; even secret corporate armies were unionized these days. He sat down and dialed up vSET. "vSET administrative offices, how may I help you?" came the tired-sounding voice at the other end.
     "Put me through to Commander Campion."
     "May I ask who?s calling?"
     "His boss."
The other end went silent for a moment, then the voice, suddenly sounding very alert, said "I'll put you through right away, sir." Campion?s voice came out a few seconds later. "Good evening, Baron, or perhaps I should say good morning? Good to hear from you, sir. I suppose I'll have to tell the office pool that your speeder didn?t go nuclear, then." "Your confidence in your own failsafe systems is not reassuring, Commander." "Oh, my money was on you setting off the WBE lab as a going-away present. Of course, we know now that's not it, either."
     "What is it, then?"
"Something large appeared at the time of the explosion in Lake Caffeine. Our radar operators are stumped. We've sent out a scout. Shortly after the first explosion, there were several smaller ones."
     "What caused them?"
"Looked like Whoopass, Baron. A number of small hills have disappeared, and at least one unlucky flock of birds has come out of the sky extra-crispy."
     "Could it be a WBE weapon?"
     "It could be, but it isn't."
     "How do you know?"
"It appeared at the same time as a field of couch plants outside. WBE doesn?t have a botany lab."
     "Couch whats?"
"Plants. We're considering harvesting the crop and furnishing lounges with them, if we can figure out what they need to grow properly. I mean, you don't want to over- or under-water them, you know, and we don't even know if they need water. Maybe we just need to keep their upholstery clean, look out for quarters growing between the cushions, and..."
     The Baron cut him off. "What is in Lake Caffeine?"
     "The scout is in visual range now."
The desktop computer?s screen flickered to life as vSET's server took control. The image on it was a strange one. A somewhat bulbous dark shape, smaller at the bottom than at the top, which seemed to be flowing and changing shape somewhat. It reminded him of something, but he didn?t place it until he saw the flag at the top, snapping in the breeze. A black banner with a skull and crossbones.
     "Baron, are you seeing what I'm seeing?"
     "Looks like pirates."
"There's a pirate ship in Lake Caffeine shooting off cans of Whoopass?"
     "Seems a little improbable, doesn't it?"
     "What should we do about it?"
"Nothing yet. That lake is totally landlocked. Observe from a distance, see what they're doing. If it gets dangerous, we'll find a way to take it down." Two days later, Campion entered the Baron?s office bearing the report from vSET Black Ops regarding the ship:
Add a subsection, to 301.E:
E.7. The Improbable
There exists a Passable SO called the Improbable. At the beginning of each nweek, if the Improbable exists, the Improbable throws a Can of Whoopass at a target within three spaces of it which is highest on the following list. If more than one target is tied for highest on the list, the Improbable throws a Can of Whoopass at a randomly selected one of those targets.

Grid Enhancements
Ancient Monoliths
Big Rocks with Sirens on them
Big Rocks without Sirens
Other Impassable objects
Other Passable objects besides Service Malls
Other Carryable objects

If there are no targets available, the Improbable throws a Can of Whoopass Elbonia-style at Lake Caffeine.
     "So what do you suggest we do about it, Commander?"
"Well, normally I'd say to leave it be, but it knocked one of our scouts out of the air today and the press has decided it's our creation and won't leave us alone. You are aware there's a small contingent of them outside your office?" "Again? One moment." The Baron tapped a small blue button on the underside of his desk. Out in the hall, a fire sprinkler turned on unexpectedly, spraying a number of reporters. As the shouts of surprise rose from outside, the Baron chucked. "Someday I should probably get that sprinkler fixed. You never know when it'll go off. Anyway, if we're not leaving the ship alone, what are we doing? Sinking it?" "I was thinking that, but we can?t get close enough with the existing weapons on the speeders. We need longer-range weapons, and powerful ones."
     "Missiles, perhaps?"
     "That?s what I was hoping for, yes."
     "I think I can get them for you. Start training a squad of crews."

           *     *     *     *     *

     "Wealthy Bastard Enterprises, Wonko speaking."
     "Wonko, how are things over at WBE?"
"Wonderful, until you started acting cheerful, Baron. It's never a good sign when you do that. What do you need?"
     "I need Whoopass. Lots of Whoopass."
     "You mean you don't have any?"
     "What would give you that impression?"
     "The Whoopass-firing pirate ship in the lake."
     "Not mine, despite what the BGRD news is saying."
     "Sure it isn't."
"Look, I need three KEMOSABE turrets, twelve missiles, and enough Whoopass to arm them all." "Maybe you can have them. Will WBE still be standing when you're done firing them?"
     "Most likely. Now do you have them or not?"
"We've got them. You want to pay for this with cash up front or on a monthly payment plan? I can offer you an attractive interest rate on the latter."
     "Just have them ready. A cargo speeder will come by to pick them up."
     "Pleasure doing business with you, Baron."
     "Likewise, Wonko."
Add to 301.E.7:
If a Can of Whoopass is Cracked open at the Improbable's location the Improbable is destroyed.
The hunt went well. Lake Caffeine would be sluggish from the entropy for months. Not that anyone would notice, however, as the caffeine kept the few surviving fish permanently hyper. Life at vSOI returned to normal, until the day the new IO containment field was being tested. A Speeder vanished from sight, and began to reappear 50 meters away, when a tremendous flash momentarily created a second sun on the northern horizon. As the ground trembled, the speeder was forgotten and suddenly the Baron was the focus of the attention of the press, who wanted to know what the Speeder had done while in the Improbability Field. As he tried to calm them, he noticed Commander Campion calling orders into a two-way radio. With a sound of screaming jets, a full squadron of vSOI scouts roared into the air, streaking towards the source of the explosion. However, the Baron already had a sinking feeling that he knew what had happened. He wondered if he could get a discount on a bulk order of missiles.

Add to 301.E.7:
If the Improbable is not present on the Grid, and an IID is used, the Improbable is created in Lake Caffeine. When the Improbable is created, two random squares adjacent to Lake Caffeine have Cans of Whoopass cracked open on them.

If proposal 1352 passed, replace "or if it enters a Grid Square which contains a player, speeder, Barney, or an Impassable Object" with "or if it enters a Grid Square which contains a player, speeder, Barney, the Improbable, or an Impassable Object."


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