David E. Smith on 27 Feb 2003 01:29:01 -0000

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[Spoon-business] The Daily Recognizer (Wednesday evening)

"Isn't this game supposed to be democratic?" is p1338/1.
"Whoopass" is p1343/0.
"Standard Voting Procedures" is p1344/0.

Rob adds to the Docket. (Which reminds me: which member of the Council of
Elders is maintaining the Docket, and where? It's required to be available
for public review by one of you folks... if it's a Web page or similar,
email me the link and I'll add it to the site.)

Baron von Skippy nominates emself for Minister of Economic Affairs.

Baron von Skippy is the only nominee for this office, aside from me (The
Admin). I heartily encourage someone, anyone, to vote for BvS.

Baron von Skippy receives 8 points for Gnome Minister duties.

I want to hear more about Amy and Matt. :-)

There were no nominees for Ministry of the Weather. Not even The Voice. (sigh)

I'm not sure how to resolve the conflict between Wonko's movement and
Barney's movement, since I don't keep a massive history of the Grid. I'd
suggest Wonko add a "put 20 Integrity back on my Speeder" thing on the
Docket, and if e does so, I encourage the Council to approve it. (Wonko
may also wish to move, since I don't think there's much I can do to stop
Barney's rampage, even with my Avatar powers.)

Wonko does a lot of Grid stuff (including acquiring a Bomb Gnome and a
Basic Gnome, and bagging all eir Gnomes - Gnome person, please attend to
this). I also added Wonko's Balls of Wax. (Anyone else starting to wonder
why Wonko's becoming such a pack-rat?)

Chris Bartlett joins the game (under the name "Chris Bartlett," since none
was specified). Here's your 500 BNS, here's your Mentor (Baron von Skippy
is assigned to Mentor the newbie), welcome to the party.

The Weather is updated. Gosh, it's awfully warm and windy. Tornado season,
I'd say.


David Smith  dave@[technopagan.org|bureau42.com|whatisay.com|mvn.net]
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