Glotmorf on 17 Dec 2002 12:51:01 -0000

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[Spoon-business] Prop: Rule Entrenchment

{{ _Give It a Rest, Willya?_

Add to the end of Rule 19 the following paragraph:

"If, in each of the two immediately prior nweeks,
proposals attempted and failed to repeal a particular
rule, a proposal cannot repeal that rule in the
current nweek."

[[ Reminiscent of uin's nweekly (sometimes ndaily)
calls for repeal of the same rules over and over.  I
found it tedious.  I'm all for democratic process (my
sideline notwithstanding), but if you've tried to do
something for two nweeks in a row and still can't do
it...give it a rest, willya? ]]


-- Glotmorf

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