Glotmorf on 3 Dec 2002 04:41:02 -0000

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[Spoon-business] Prop: Cogno-Intellectual

I set my Philosophy to "Cogno-Intellectual".

I propose the following:

{{ _...Or Would You Rather Be a Cogno-Intellectual?_

Create the following Mandate for the Cogno-Intellectual Philosophy:

A Cogno-Intellectual is a holier-than-thou know-it-all who thinks e's right all the time and periodically annoys people when e's able to back it up.  E has little patience or courtesy for those e considers eir inferiors, and resists massive, sweeping changes unless e's the one doing it.

A Cogno-Intellectual gets, once per nweek, an extra No vote on a single proposal that totally replaces the content of a rule, but only if e has made a proposal that totally replaces the content of a different rule.


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