Wonko on 26 Oct 2002 15:06:02 -0000

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[Spoon-business] Immunity

On the grounds that three or four others have now put "Repeal 1144" in their
proposals, I amend my proposal entitled __Repeal rule 1144__ to look like

__Make it so__

Add to the numbered list in rule 293 the following items:
9) May be trained by Yoda
10) May not become Dead as a result of Dueling with Maul.

And a followup:
__Disposing of the Idol__

Repeal rule 293.
In section B.10. of rule 256, remove the text ", after the Immunity Idol is
awarded," from the second sentence, then remove the sentence, "The player
who holds the Immunity Idol is not considered to be a player for the
purposes of Bruce choosing a random player to become Burnt."

In section B.11. of the same rule, remove the text, ", and the Offeror does
not hold the Immunity Idol," from the second sentence.

In rule 1081, remove the text, " the Immunity Idol," from the last sentence
of the first paragraph.

Another repair:
__Only when you're there__

In rule 256:
Amend section B.4. as follows:
    Replace the third sentence with:
"If Luigi is Active, then Players can borrow points from Luigi, on a
first-come-first-serve basis, up to the total number of points the Gremlin
Fund posesses."

    Then replace the fourth Paragraph with:
"A Player with nonzero Debt can repay Luigi whenever Luigi is Active as a
game Action by transferring points to the Gremlin Fund; eir Debt is reduced
accordingly. "

    Then replace the first sentence of the third-to-last paragraph with:
"At the end of an nweek other than the nweek in which the Player borrowed
the points, if a Player has failed to repay at least the current nweek's
Interest and Luigi is Active, Luigi takes eir points up to the Debt amount
(or all if eir points are less than the Debt amount), applies these taken
points to the Debt, and Breaks a Limb."

Then, amend section B.8. to add after, "At the end of each nweek," the text,
"if Robin is Active".

Then, amend section B.9. to add after, "At the end of each nweek," the text,
"if Pinhead is Active".

Then, amend section B.8. to add after, "At the beginning of each nweek," the
text, "if Bruce is Active".

Then, amend section B.8. to add after, "Each nweek," the text, "if Butthead
is Active".

[[All of these Gremlins seem to do things regardless of whether they're
active. That shouldn't be.]]

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