Jeremy \"Athena\" Cook on 20 Oct 2002 17:17:02 -0000

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[Spoon-business] Ruling on CFI 1098

Statement: Wonko is the Boss of WBE.

Defendant: Glotmorf


Proposal 1001, as one of its actions, included 'Make Wonko the Boss of
WBE". Although Glotmorf attempted to create eir own society entitled WBE,
this was a violation of r2, as the names WBE, Wealthy Bastard Enterprises,
and the Wealthy Bastard were all already in use.

Therefore, Wonko is still the Bastard of WBE.

Defendant's Brief:

The analysis above presupposes that Wonko became the Boss of WBE when eir
proposal was implemented. In fact, there was no WBE for Wonko to have been
made the Boss of at the time that action was to have been performed. The
procedure Wonko followed to attempt to create a society was not a
procedure that was permitted by the rules, as other procedures had been
outlined and comprised the regulation for society creation. The rule
Wonko's proposal created was not sufficient to create a society, as a
society is required to have a charter and the rule did not supply one.
Therefore, Wonko's proposal failed to create a WBE for em to then be made
the Boss of.

Wonko has contended that the rule eir proposal created was in fact the
charter for a WBE. In fact, at no time, in either the proposal or the rule
itself, was it stated that the rule or any portion of it was meant to be a
society charter. The proposal said it was creating a rule, and didn't
mention a society or a charter. The rule said a society existed, and that
certain conditions applied to it, but at no time presented anything to
serve as the society's charter. Therefore, in no way did Wonko's proposal
supply a charter for a WBE, and, since societies are required to have
charters, thus was a society named WBE not created.

With an absence of a WBE, I was entitled to create a society called WBE,
following the procedure dictated in Rule 578. As this was a WBE that was
not in existence when Wonko's proposal attempted to make em the Boss of
WBE, Wonko was not made the Boss of my society. Therefore, Wonko is not
the Boss of the currently-existing WBE.

Ruling: FALSE
Analysis: Proposal 1001's actions did not create WBE, as they did not
follow procedure for a society to be created, so Glotmorf was indeed
entitled to create a society called "WBE", with em has the Boss. While
Proposal 1001 stated "Make Wonko Boss of WBE", no WBE existed as a
Society, so this action was not possible. Thus, Glotmorf's Society did not
contradict any uniquely identifying names rules. Wonko's later attempt to
create a society called "WBE" was in violation of uniquely identify names
rules, since Glotmorf had already created WBE, so nothing happened as a
result of that action.


	"All our belief systems, religions, and governments are the result
of a series of mistakes that turned out to be better at making copies of
themselves after all."
	-Richard Brodie

	"We look at the world through windows on which have been drawn
grids (concepts). Different philosophies use different grids. A culture is
a group of people with rather similar grids. Through a window we view
chaos, and relate it to the points on our grid, and thereby understand it.
The ORDER is in the GRID."
	-The Principia Discordia
	Jeremy Cook
	The Goddess Athena

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