David E. Smith on 3 Oct 2002 23:25:06 -0000

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[Spoon-business] Prop: Fixing the Broken Shelf

{{ __Fixing the Broken Shelf__

Replace the text of Rule 15, Section E.4. with the following:

'Shelve' votes count as negative votes.

If a proposal fails, but would have passed if the 'shelve' votes had been
affirmative votes, the proposal is considered to be shelved. At the
beginning of the next nweek, a new proposal is created, with text and
title identical to that of the shelved proposal. This new proposal has the
same author as the original proposal, and a new serial number (with a
revision number of 0), The new proposal does not consume any bandwidth.
This paragraph supercedes subsection F of this rule.


[[ Its bandwidth cost has already been paid, and apparently someone thinks
it's a good idea, so why double-charge for it? Also, this changes the
meaning of 'Shelve' votes slightly, but I think it's a change for the
better. ]]



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