Orc In A Spacesuit on 2 Oct 2002 06:23:04 -0000

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[Spoon-business] Guys aren't eirs!

Append to Rule 7, __Spivak Pronouns__, the following:
Spivak pronouns are to be used in any case where the gender of the referred object is unknown, but if a pronoun referres to a specific object whose gender is known, explictly stated in the game, and unlikely to change, the appropriate non-Spivak versions may be used, if the writer so wishes. (This still allows full use of Spivak, if desired). If any non-Spivak pronoun becomes unclear due to changes in game state, the conversion of that pronoun to a Spivak version is within the powers of grammar correction of the Admin.

Orc In A Spacesuit
is planning HIS future

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