Baron von Skippy on 12 Aug 2002 04:11:04 -0000

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[Spoon-business] Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end... or something.

__Healthy Competition, My Ass__

It was dark in the warehouse. Dark and quiet. Cobwebs were growing in the corners and dust was accumulating on the shadowy objects spread throughout. As the small door next to the vast hangar door opened, anyone inside the warehouse would have noticed it was, if possible, darker outside. Of course, no one noticed this, as there was no one in the warehouse. Until the figures in black clothing entered. They wore black clothes with black bags at their sides and black caps on their heads. All but invisible against the darkness... okay, this is getting tiring. It's dark. Everyone got that? Now where was I... As the camera lens of narration approaches the figures, it is noticed how they move purposefully, breaking into smaller groups, exploring the area, making sure no one else is present, and occasionally noticing a security camera through their night vision goggles. When that happens, a brief light appears as their electronic pulse guns fry the circuitry of those cameras, ensuring that no record of their presence save every camera ceasing to record and flashing "12:00" over and over. Once all cameras are neutralized, a call echoes through the building.
     "Lights coming on! Cover 'em!"
The figures shield their eyes as the lights come on casting the darkness into the shadows, which is a good place for darkness, then stand blinking in the vast room. While four of the seven intruders gape at the massive machines on the deck, the other three nod to one another, one heading for the secured room at the other end of the building while another snaps the team into action.
     "Come on, folks, we don't have all night. You know your tasks, go!"
As the other four move towards one of the massive objects, the one giving orders approaches the seventh member of the team, who looks unimpressed around the hangar before turning to the order giver.
     "Well, so far, so good, Commander."
"My men have been training on this for weeks, sir. It will go perfectly."
     "Perfectly if we discount their gaping like children at the vessels."
"Sir, it was not possible to reproduce the machines for the simulators on our current resources." "Yes, I know, we have no mysterious benefactors, and ours was liquidated in the purge to calm the masses." "And, well," the commander pointed at the hulk the four were now scanning and exploring, "That's pretty damn amazing. What the hell could do that?" The leader's black robe and cloak swished through the dust on the floor as he impassively regarded the object. "It's a wonder they were able to get it home," he admitted. "Superstructure fractures in eleven places, tank breaches, hull breaches, the main cannon totally ripped off. But the bridge and the engines survived, the front and the back. Like something massive squeezed it."
     "I wonder why they even bothered to keep it?"
"Their foolishness is our gain. They should have destroyed it in the purge, but instead they kept it hidden and intact, letting us find it. Clearly, they don't know what they're sitting on. The power core of this ship is years ahead of any other drive units in the world." He rubbed his palms together slowly. "We'll make a bloody fortune." One of the four returned. "Sir," he said, standing at attention, "We've examined the drive unit as ordered."
"The unit isn't as complicated or intertwined as they made it sound in their stockholder reports. If the unnecessary dimensional transport coils are removed, and the power and fuel required to run them as well, the whole thing is a quarter the size and cost." "Excellent. Make a list of suggested modifications to remove any unnecessary components, Lieutenant." "Yes, sir." The commando hurried back to the hulk to relay the new orders. It was at about that moment that the seventh member of the team returned from the back room, carrying a sheaf of papers and several folders.
     "Here you are, all the papers from the back room, as promised."
"Are you sure you didn't 'forget' anything, Simon?" the commando leader asked. "Commander, calm yourself. I think our friend Simon is trustworthy." the cloaked one said with the sure expression of someone who, if not correct, can have heads roll. "At least, I do hope he is. We can trust you, can't we, Simon? The seventh member, Simon, stopped glaring at the commando leader's turned back and quickly put his features into something approximating respectful attention. "Yes, of course, um, sir."
     "Excellent. Is everything else set?"
"I placed them and activated the receivers. There won't be enough evidence to fill a jelly jar." The cloaked figure nodded approvingly as the commandos returned to the entrance, left the building briefly, then returned, each with a duffle full of lumpy objects. As they moved about, placing them, the faint hum of a helicopter entered the warehouse. "Just on time," the commander noted. "However, its presence does mean we don't have long before we're noticed." "Oh, I think our departure will be noted by everyone within a few miles, Commander." "Speaking of which, shall we leave? I mean, if I'm found here... with you..." The commander rolled his eyes. "Yes, of course, we don't want your employer's guards finding you with us. Don't wet yourself, we're going. We don't exactly want to be found here, either. However, we can't leave until my men set up the rest of our little critters to minimize the chances of our being traced, now can we?"
     Sirens suddenly blared all around the building.
     "I think they already did the tracing."
     "Shut up. Sir, shall we be leaving?"
     "I think so. If you will."
     "Everyone move! Get to the chopper!"
As the seven hurried to the black helicopter, they heard the sound of M-Tek security running at them. The commandos in the group and at the chopper began firing their stun guns, forcing the guards to fall back. The chopper lifted off, blue lightning crackling towards the ground. As they left, the security forces watched them go, then saw a hand reach from the helicopter and point something silvery at the warehouse. Inside the warehouse, a number of small hammers began hitting the heads of a number of small creatures, who responded rather violently. They blew up. Bomb Gnomes strapped to every support pillar and DimShip primary structural beam detonated, collapsing the dusty vessels a second before a hundred tons of concrete and metal collapsed onto them, crushing everything and masking any trace that anyone had ever been in the warehouse. The warehouse imploded magnificently, with hardly a speck of dust outside of its original dimensions. The helicopter shot away into the night. Stealth armor on it made it nearly invisible to radar, and in the darkness, there was no chance of it being spotted and pursued. As it shot over the river in the middle of Bville, a commando entered the main cabin from the cockpit. "No pursuit, sir. We've set a roundabout course back to the launch pad, and we'll be back to headquarters in seven minutes."
     "Very good, Lieutenant. Keep me appraised of any changes."
     "Yes sir, Baron."

     A month later...
     "Well, Baron, here's the ad we'll be running. What do you think?"]]

Add the following subsection, appropriately numbered, to Section F of Rule 301:
vSOI Airspeeders
There exist carryable, passable MOs called Airspeeders. A player may Board an Airspeeder that they own and which occupies the same Grid location as they do at any time. The effects of this action are the same as if the player had picked up the Airspeeder [[except that wouldn't make much sense, now would it?]]. Players may not Board or pick up Airspeeders they do not own. Players in an Airspeeder may travel 6-2n spaces per nweek, where n is the number of spaces that player traveled to reach the Airspeeder that nweek. Players with the Football cannot enter Airspeeders with the Football. Players in Airspeeders may not catch the Football while in an Airspeeder. Airspeeders may be purchased from the Gnome Account by players for 25 points each, or for 15 points if the purchasing player is in vSOI.

[["Good, but it needs something... I know, how about a discount for the first batch of them, to get the market primed? Something like?]]

For the duration of nweek 23, players may purchase Airspeeders for 10 points less than specified in the first paragraph of this subsection. This paragraph takes precedence over the paragraph preceding it. At the end of nweek 23, delete this paragraph.

[["Absolutely, sir. If that's all, I'll have Marketing begin?"
	"Yes, of course. Oh, and by the way,"]]

Replace the text of 301.F.8 with "There exist carryable, passable MOs called Towels. A player may Squeeze a Water Gnome or wet Sponge over a Dry Towel they hold, or Dip a Dry Towel they hold in a Brook, or use a Dry Towel upon emselves if they have the attribute Wet, to get a Wet Towel. If a Wet player uses a Dry Towel on emselves, they lose the attribute Wet. A Wet Towel can be used on a grid square of type Fire adjacent to the grid square the player occupies to make that square of type Earth. Doing this destroys the Wet Towel. A player may also Snap a Wet Towel at another player in a grid space adjacent to the one they occupy. If this is done, the player Snapped by the Wet Towel drops two random objects in their possession, or, if they have fewer than two objects in their possession, all of the objects in their possession, and moves one space farther away from the player who Snapped them with the Wet Towel. Doing this turns the Wet Towel back into a Dry Towel. If a Towel changes state from Wet to Dry or from Dry to Wet four times, it is destroyed. Towels may be purchased for 5 points from the Gnome Account."

In 441.B.23, replace "Ford Prefect Gnomes have one hit point" with "Ford Prefect Gnomes have three hit points."

In Rule 905, change item 1 in the list to "Thwocking, Whacking, Shooting or Snapping one other player two or more times in any combination in one nweek"


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