David E. Smith on 23 Jul 2002 14:13:05 -0000

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[Spoon-business] The Daily Recognizer (Tuesday morning)

An election for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in progress.
An election for the Ministry of Gremlins is in progress.
Nominations for both of the above will be accepted until the end of nday 5
of this nweek. (I'm nominated for both automatically, of course.)

Glotmorf: You received the Sushi as of nweek 20, nday 9.
(Specifically: Sat, 20 Jul 2002, 21:33:47, Nomic Standard Time.)

Wonko won last nweek's election for Minister of the Force. E is asked to
contact me about the details of setting up eir Ministry. (You'll notice
that right now said Ministry consists of nothing more than a text file,
listed on the home page. If Wonko has access to Web space somewhere,
that's probably all e needs to get started.)

Glotmorf receives 2 points for Insta-Ministry services rendered.
The Voice receives nothing for the last weather update, as it technically
occurred before e got the job of Weather Man.

I'm still handling Grid stuff until the new Minister and I work out all
the details... so, bd moves, uncovering a Scary Box (-25 points!). Athena
leaps onto the Grid (in a single bound), grabs the Football, and moves
again. Athena and Glotmorf both join Team Turqouise. Glotmorf enters the
Grid, buys a Pinball gun (-2 points), and shoots The Voice. (ping!)

Wild Card attempts to adjust the vSOI Sale Gnome to Fire Gnome, and buys
some other Gnomes. (15 pts transferred to the Gnome Acct.) E buys a Big
Rock (21 pts). Eir attempted move is illegal -- only Football players can
Run in the manner e attempted.

New proposals:

"Priests" is 909/0.
"Destruction" is 910/0, 910/1, 910/2.
"Temperature Fix" is 911/0.
"I Hate Nomic-Player's Block!" is 912/0.
"Precipitation" is 913/0 (rectified: you had two section B.2.3's and that
threw off the numbering for everything else) (someone WOULD have to use
that damned alacarte rule just to prove me wrong, wouldn't you? just
another way to circumvent Bandwidth Rationing.), 913/1.


---- David E. Smith, POB 515045, St. Louis, MO 63151
http://www.technopagan.org/     http://metadave.net/
http://www.bureau42.com/        http://whatIsay.com/

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