David E. Smith on 25 May 2002 14:34:11 -0000

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spoon-business: The Daily Recognizer (Saturday morning)

Stuff that came in before the nweek 16 deadline:

"Cleaning up Wonko's mess." is 739/0.
"A Raise for Mr. A" is 740/0.

Glotmorf (from the Upper House) rules FALSE on CFI 727.

Iain rules TRUE on CFI 737.

"More Club Stuff" is 741/0.

Stuff that came in after the nweek 16 deadline:

Wild Card's revision of p692 is illegal. (Vote NO on 692! Please!)

Wild Card adjusts eir DimShip's heading, and loads up on Guns and Armour.
(By the way, since your chosen buoyancy raises your effective entropy,
you're now well into the 1-syllable range.)

Wild Card runs on the Grid and grabs the Ball of Wax (running right past
the radar blip in the process).

bd attempts a risky gambit, borrowing lots of points from Luigi to buy a
DimShip. The gambit fails, though -- even borrowing 80 points, e can't
afford a DimShip (the other 20 points e had at one time were from one of
the failed incarnations of the HOOP). bd, you may want to pay those points
back, unless you want a Broken Limb for no real benefit.

Baron von Skippy cannot revise "Healthy Competition".

Naath rules FALSE (again!) on CFI 727. That makes a 2/3 majority,
regardless of Baron von Skippy's opinion; thus the judgment is upheld.

"judging" (needs a better title, maybe?) is 742/0.


---- David E. Smith, POB 515045, St. Louis, MO 63151
Vote NO on p692!  Please!  I'm overworked already...