Jonathan David Amery on 15 May 2002 13:08:23 -0000

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spoon-business: Proposal

 __Request for Comments__

 An RFC is intended to be a proposal, but isn't yet.

 If a player wishes to discuss their proposal before proposing it they
may form it up as an RFC (suggested boilerplate avoiding method for
this is to include `RFC' on the line with the initial open braces).

 An RFC can be revised, and is given a serial number like a proposal.

 At any point the author of an RFC can state on a public forum that
they wish to finalise the RFC, at which point it becomes a proposal
and its serial number is updated.  From this point on it is treated
like a normal proposal.

 Also, the author of an RFC can at any point state on a public forum
that they wish to can it, in which case the RFC ceases to exist and
cannot be revised again.