David E. Smith on 14 Apr 2002 03:16:28 -0000

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spoon-business: nweek 12 results and stuff

I think I have nice, usable voting software now. So the detailed results
below should become the norm.

Remember the Clock will turn off over next weekend, while I go on a
much-needed vacation. (The vacation isn't needed from the game so much as
it is from life in general. Let's see if I can survive three whole days
without Internet access... fortunately, there will be plenty of beer
handy. Should be interesting.)

The following happens before the end of the nweek:
Rocky buys a random Big Rock (4 points). It lands on the Grid at (13,12),
narrowly missing the airport.
Luigi and Rocky have nothing to do.
The Yeti has no Ice Gnomes to eat (alleluia).

Voting results:

Proposal 536/0 (Stop the World! I Wanna Get Off!) (Wonko):
AFF: Bean, Congenital Optimist, Glotmorf, Naath, The Voice, Wild Card, Wonko
Counts: (7-0-0-0). Measure passes.
Wonko scores 14 points.
Created 573/0.

Proposal 537/0 (Bowling for Nomics!) (The Voice):
AFF: Congenital Optimist, Glotmorf (8), Naath, The Voice (15), Wild Card
(9), Wonko (9),
ABS: Bean,
Counts: (6-0-1-0). Measure passes.
The Voice scores 8 + 8 (Literary Bonus) = 16 points.
Created Pinhead.
Created 574/0.
Created 293/5.

Proposal 538/1 (Mass Production) (Wonko):
AFF: Congenital Optimist, The Voice (7), Wild Card (9), Wonko (15)
NEG: Naath
ABS: Bean, Glotmorf
Counts: (4-1-2-0). Measure passes.
Wonko scores 11 + 8 (Literary Bonus) = 19 points.
(6 of those points are given to Glotmorf.)
Created 575/0.

Proposal 539/1 (Enter the Gnome) (Wonko):
AFF: Congenital Optimist, Glotmorf (9), Naath, The Voice (6), Wild Card
(13), Wonko (15)
ABS: Bean
Counts: (6-0-1-0).
Wonko scores 7 + 8 (Literary Bonus) = 15 points.
Created 576/0.
Created ten squares of Mud on the Grid, in random locations.

Proposal 540/0 (See the world, they said) (Wonko):
AFF: Congenital Optimist, Glotmorf, Naath, The Voice, Wild Card, Wonko
ABS: Bean
Counts: (6-0-1-0).
Wonko scores 10 points.
Created 577/0.

Proposal 541/1 (The New Yeti) (Wonko):
AFF: Bean, Congenital Optimist, Glotmorf, Naath, The Voice, Wild Card, Wonko
Counts: (7-0-0-0). Measure passes.
Measure is vetoed by the Administrator ("Yeah, I know! The Admin hates the
Yeti, so I'll make it even MORE of a pain in the ass!" -- Wonko).
The Veto is purely symbolic, as the measure received more than a 3/4
majority, but I wanted to go on record as saying this idea sucks even more
than the old yeti...
Created 348/2.
Wonko scores 8 points.

Proposal 542/0 (Football Fixes (thylith thith time)) (Bean):
AFF: Bean, Congenital Optimist, Naath, The Voice, Wonko
NEG: Glotmorf
ABS: Wild Card
Counts: (5-1-1-0). Measure passes.
Bean scores 11 points.
Created 394/8.

Proposal 543/1 (Mommy, I want off!) (Bean):
AFF: Bean, Congenital Optimist, Glotmorf
NEG: Naath, The Voice, Wonko
ABS: Wild Card
Counts: (3-3-1-0). Measure fails.
Bean loses 3 points.

Proposal 544/0 (Sorry, no ERA this time.) (Congenital Optimist):
AFF: Bean, Congenital Optimist, Glotmorf, The Voice, Wild Card, Wonko
NEG: Naath
Counts: (6-1-0-0). Measure passes.
Created 295/2.
Created 356/2.
Congenital Optimist scores 14 points.

Proposal 552/1 (Omnibus Proposal) (The Administrator):
AFF: Bean, Congenital Optimist,
NEG: Glotmorf, Naath, The Voice, Wild Card, Wonko,
Counts: (2-5-0-0). Measure fails.
The Gremlin Fund loses 1 point.

Proposal 553/0 (Societies) (Wild Card):
AFF: Glotmorf, Naath, Wild Card, Wonko
NEG: Bean, Congenital Optimist, The Voice
Counts: (4-3-0-0). Measure passes.
Created 578/0.
Wild Card scores 7 points.

Proposal 554/1 (Where No Player Has Gone Before) (Glotmorf):
AFF: Bean, Glotmorf (15), Naath, Wild Card (14)
NEG: Congenital Optimist, The Voice, Wonko
Counts: (4-3-0-0). Measure passes.
Created 440/2.
Glotmorf scores 12 + 9 (Literary Bonus) = 21 points.

Proposal 555/0 (Repeal Rule 207) (The Voice):
AFF: Naath, The Voice, Wonko
NEG: Bean, Congenital Optimist, Glotmorf, Wild Card
Counts: (3-4-0-0). Measure fails.
The Voice loses 2 points.

Proposal 556/1 (Gremlin Placers) (The Voice):
AFF: Bean, Congenital Optimist, Naath, The Voice, Wild Card, Wonko
NEG: Glotmorf
Counts: (6-1-0-0). Measure passes.
The Voice scores 11 + 10 (Poetic Forms Bonus) = 21 points.
Performed actions in accordance with proposal (no created/revised rules)

Proposal 557/0 (Proosal?) (The Voice):
AFF: Congenital Optimist, Glotmorf, The Voice, Wonko
NEG: Naath, Wild Card
ABS: Bean
Counts: (4-2-1-0). Measure passes.
Created 579/0.
Created Bruce, the Flaming Gremlin.
The Voice scores 9 points.

Proposal 558/2 (Immunity Idol, v2.5) (The Voice):
AFF: Bean, Congenital Optimist, Glotmorf, Naath, The Voice
NEG: Wonko
ABS: Wild Card
Counts: (5-1-1-0). Measure passes.
Created 293/6.
The Voice scores 12 points.

Proposal 559/0 (The Upper House) (Wild Card):
AFF: Naath, Wild Card (8)
NEG: Bean, Congenital Optimist, The Voice
ABS: Glotmorf, Wonko
Counts: (2-3-2-0). Measure fails.
Wild Card loses 5 points.

Proposal 560/0 (Fish-flavored Izing) (Glotmorf):
AFF: Congenital Optimist, Glotmorf, Wild Card
NEG: Bean, Naath, The Voice, Wonko
Counts: (3-4-0-0). Measure fails.
Glotmorf loses 3 points.

Proposal 561/0 (The Other End of the Entropy Axis) (Glotmorf):
AFF: Bean, Glotmorf (15), Wild Card (15)
NEG: Naath, The Voice, Wonko
ABS: Congenital Optimist
Counts: (3-3-1-0). Measure fails.
Glotmorf loses 4 points.

Proposal 562/1 (Can we talk about this later, honey?) (Bean):
AFF: Bean, Congenital Optimist, Glotmorf, Naath, The Voice, Wild Card, Wonko
Counts: (7-0-0-0). Measure passes.
Created 580/0.
Bean scores 13 points.

Proposal 563/0 (And It's Not 42) (Glotmorf):
AFF: Congenital Optimist, Glotmorf (8), Wild Card
NEG: Bean, Naath, The Voice, Wonko
Counts: (3-4-0-0). Measure fails.
Glotmorf loses 1 point.

Proposal 564/0 (Weather Gnomes) (The Voice):
AFF: Congenital Optimist, Glotmorf, Naath, The Voice, Wild Card
ABS: Bean
SHL: Wonko
Counts: (5-0-1-1). Measure passes.
Created 581/0.
Created three Weather Gnomes in random locations.
The Voice scores 12 points.

Proposal 565/0 (What do a Gibbet and a Clothesline Have in Common?)
AFF: Bean, Congenital Optimist, Glotmorf, Naath, Wild Card, Wonko,
ABS: The Voice,
Counts: (6-0-1-0). Measure passes.
Created 408/1.
Glotmorf scores 5 points.

The Roster has been updated to reflect the Charm, Entropy, Activity, and
Score adjustments detailed above (whether explicitly or implicitly

The Scoring Gremlin awarded 8 points to Wild Card (1 point per successful
proposal after 553, which changed his score to a nonzero score).

Robin, the Bandit Gremlin, targets Bean's successful Proposal 562, and
relieves Bean of those 13 points.

Queued Grid movements fire off:

Congenital Optimist cannot move to (6,12), as the square is occupied by
Baron von Skippy.

The Voice Runs to (17,10).

Wonko Runs to (13,11).

Glotmorf cannot Run to (6,12), as the square is occupied already. (Since e
can't enter the airport, e can't fly Elbonian either.)

Wild Card moves to (3,18).

Bean moves to (12,12), then Flies Elbonian towards (18,12). E is charged
10 points for eir ticket, but fortunately, there's a rebate -- e lands at
(18,13) on a Shiny Thing, scoring 25 points in the process.

Thus ends nweek 12.

Nweek 13 begins:

The new Gremlin number is 35.

The Immunity Idol is awarded to The Voice.

The Bandwidth Gremlin gives the Token of Proposals to Wonko.

As the Bandwidth Gremlin becomes Active, the Primal Scream is triggered --
Copper, Guido, the King Gremlin, and the Witch Gremlin all go into Hiding.

I'd like to take this opportunity to point out that Gremlins now outnumber

Bruce, the Flaming Gremlin, Burns Uncle Psychosis.
The Weather drops by four degrees. Gosh, it's chilly...

The damn Yeti is randomly relocated per the new, more onerous rule. Right
now, the Grid just says "All squares within 2 of here are Frozen" because
I don't really feel like updating all 24 of 'em.

Two Sheep Gnomes are made manifest. Ditto for a Ball of Wax.

Curt and Rod move round a bit.

The new Colour Commentator is Rob.

The Gnome Factory spits out a Fire Gnome.

My nweekly checklist is getting distressingly big... I hope I've not
missed anything.

My proposal for this nweek:

{{ __Omnibus Proposal II: Electric Boogaloo__

1. Append to the end of the seventh paragraph of Rule 154 the sentence
"This penalty to Activity does not apply if the player is on voluntary
Leave."  [[ It's just kinda silly, IMO. ]]

2. Replace the phrase "(or the Administrator, if the Administrator is not
a player)" with "or the Administrator" in Rule 404. [[ redundancy ]]

3. Remove the second and third paragraphs of Rule 153. [[ nothing uses
them, and they're annoying to maintain ]]

4. Remove the last sentence of Rule 298. [[ Well, DUH. ]]

5. Remove the phrase "If Checkpoints exist, Curt and Rod both become
Active at the begininng of every Checkpoint. If Checkpoints do not exist,
" from Rule 402. [[ There are no checkpoints, and I doubt there ever will
be. ]]

6. Replace "the 15th Gremlin number minus 8" with "the 15th Gremlin number
minus 2" in Rule 545. [[ Summer's coming. Are you ready? ]]

7. Remove the sentence "Multiple Players may not occupy the same unit at
the same time." from Rule 301.

8. Repeal Rule 259. [[ That's just plain silly. And possibly confusing,
now that there is a Flaming Gremlin. ]]


The above is 582/0.

