Rob Speer on 28 Feb 2002 06:51:22 -0000

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spoon-business: Heat Death of the Nomic

Since I am afraid that thomehow, in the future, the Clock may get turned
off and become impothible to turn on again, or some other disathter along
those lines might occur, I propose:

__Nomic Revival__

Create a rule with a Chutzpah of 3:
__Nomic Revival__

  In any 21-day span of time, there must be at least one opportunity to
  change the ruleset. It is not necessary that the ruleset actually
  change as a result of this opportunity, only that there was a
  plausible way for it to change. [[For example, a proposal that is
  voted down counts as an opportunity.]]

  If such an opportunity would not otherwise exist, then on the 18th day
  without opportunities to change the ruleset, the Administrator shall
  release an Extra Ballot containing any proposals recognized since the
  previous Ballot. Proposals on this Ballot may be voted on as usual in
  the 72 hours following its release, and then proposals which pass,
  according to normal voting rules, are implemented.
  If the Extra Ballot still does not create an opportunity to change the
  rules [[ for example, if it is impossible to make proposals ]], then
  on the 21st day the Administrator shall change the game state in the
  way e deems best.


[[ Yeth, thath right. There are no references to ndays or nweeks in
thith proposal. ]]
Rob Thpeer