Dan on 22 Dec 2001 05:15:23 -0000

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spoon-business: A multitude of Proposals

I issue the following proposals:

<title> The Timeline's on this Möbius Strip </title>
Create a new rule, entitled "Thou Shalt Not Screw With Time" with the
following ½½½½ delimited text:
No rule or proposal may have retroactive application or otherwise edit the
It seems to me that unrestrained meddling with the past is an almost
gauranteed route to paradox, if for no better reason than that a rule which
erases a past event ought never to have been proposed, since the event it's
erasing never happened, so never needed to be erased.

<title> Because I said so, that's why! </title>
Amend rule 128/0 to add the sentence, "A Judge's decision shall have the
force of law." at the end.
This way, when the Judge says the statement "Player X has exactly 42 points"
is TRUE, the statement will become true. I like this more than just saying
Judges can make changes to the game state because this way the Judge can
only enforce the issue they judged.

<title> Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Six Hundred Minutes</title>
Amend rule 3/0, Days and Nweeks, to be the follwing ???? deliminated text:
    There exist two entities known as The Clock and The Watch. The Clock
shall consist of two numbers, representing nweeks and ndays. The Watch shall
consist of two numbers, representing wweeks and wdays. The Clock shall
always be either On or Off.
    If The Clock is On, then at 00:00:00 UTC, the number of ndays on The
Clock shall increase by one, unless the number of ndays on The Clock is
equal to nine, in which case it shall become equal to 0 and the number of
nweeks on The Clock shall increase by one.
    If The Clock is Off, then at 00:00:00 UTC, the number of wdays on The
Watch shall increase by one, unless the number of wdays on The Watch is
equal to nine, in which case it shall become equal to 0 and the number of
wweeks on The Watch shall increase by one.
    One nday shall be defined as the time between two consecutive changes in
the number of ndays on The Clock. One nweek shall be defined to be 10 ndays,
or the time between two consecutive changes in the number of nweeks on The
    One wday shall be defined as the time between two consecutive changes in
the number of wdays on The Watch. One wweek shall be defined to be 10 wdays,
or the time between two consecutive changes in the number of wweeks on The
    Whenever any rule other than this one specifies a certain amount of
time, that time shall be measured according to The Clock, unless that rule
specifies otherwise. [[Thus, if a rule gives someone 1 nweek to do
something, and The Clock is turned Off when the person has 6 days left, then
the person still has 6 days left once The Clock is turned back on]]
    If the Clock is Off, no player may take any game-related actions except
actions which the rules specifically say may be taken while The Clock is
    The Clock may not be changed from On to Off or from Off to On except in
ways explicitly permitted by the rules. When the Clock is turned Off, the
number of wdays and wweeks on The Watch shall be set to zero.
 At the time that this amendment takes effect, the number of days on the
Clock shall be set to 0, the number of nweeks shall be set to 2, and the
word 'day' in all rules shall be changed to 'nday'. The last paragraph of
this rule will then delete itself. [[For neatness' sake]]
This allows time to be temporarily 'turned off', to allow for things such as
vacations to happen (so that people can't pass nasty proposals by being the
only one in town and thus the only one able to vote). The Watch is there in
case we ever need to do some sort of time measurement during this 'dead
time' zone.

<title> Now you see me, now you don't </title>
Create a new rule entitled "Leaves of Abscence" with the following ßßßß
delimited text:
    Each player, at any given time, shall be either On Leave or Off Leave.
Any player who is Off Leave may, by posting a message on a business forum,
declare emself to be On Leave. Any player who is On Leave may, by posting a
message on a business forum, declare emself to be Off Leave. A player who is
On Leave cannot be selected by any process which randomly selects a player,
and may not take any game actions. If more than 2/3 of all players are On
Leave, The Clock shall become Off until such time as at least 1/3 of all
players are Off Leave. Players may place emselves On Leave or Off Leave
while The Clock is Off.
If you're the only one who's going to be unable to do anything for a while,
the game shouldn't have to stop for you, but you shouldn't incur penalties
for failing to respond to CFJs, either. If almost everyone goes On Leave,
though, then whoever's left could wreak havoc by being the only voter, so
the game will shut itself down.

<title> The Garbageman Can </title>
Create a new rule entitled "Garbage Collection" with the following ¿¿¿¿
delimited text:
    If any player has been On Leave for more than 3 consecutive nweeks, that
player shall be removed from the roster and shall cease to be a player.
In case somebody goes On Leave and then never comes back, they won't cause
the Merrymaking law to think that 2/3 of all players are On Leave and stop
The Clock.

<title> Boondoggles! Boondoggles! Boondoggles!</title>
Create a new rule entitled "Merrymaking" with the following ???? delimited
    A Vacation is defined to be a period of time designated as such by a
rule. At the beginning of each Vacation, The Clock shall turn Off until the
end of the Vacation.
There are some periods, such as the end of December, Thanksgiving, etc.,
when a large number of players will be likely to be out of town or just too
involved in Real Life to keep track of the Nomic. Under this proposal,
everyone could sit back and relax/work hectically on other things during
these times.

<title> Santa Claus is coming to town! </title>
Create a new rule entitled "And a Happy New Year" with the following ????
deliminated text:
    The period of time from December 25 to January 1 of each year shall be a
Vacation. Just before this Vacation begins, all players shall recieve 10
This is a busy time. We should take a break from Nomic for its duration. And
everyone should get a 10-pt New Year's present.