Dan on 25 Feb 2001 23:55:05 -0000

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spoon-business: Proposal: Debt Fix

The Following is a new proposal entitled "Debt Fix"

Amend each instance of "Motion for Repayment" to "Motion for Payment" in
rule 317.

If an agent owes points to another agent e is a debtor and the agent to
which e owes points is eir creditor.  Said pending point transfer is a
debt.  The debt shall exist until payment has been made by point transfer,
satisfying the debt.

If the debtor does not transfer the specified number of points by the time
specified at creation of the debt, or within two weeks of the debt
creation by default, eir creditor may force payment with a Motion for

A Motion for Repayment is a primary, approvable motion that is not subject
to unanimous consent.  A Motion for Repayment should specify the debt that
is overdue by amount, agents involved, and due date.  If a Motion for
Repayment passes and the debt remains unpaid a motive order is issued for
the transfer of points to satisfy that debt, to be performed as soon as

