Tom Plagge on 9 Oct 2000 15:58:38 -0000

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spoon-business: RFJ 12/0


      An agent needs to be a Player to be selected as a judge.



      Rule 236/0 states:
      The following are excluded from serving as Judges on a Request 
      for Judgment: 

      1. the Plaintiff 
      2. Judges previously recused from the Request 

      If these exclusions leave no Players eligible to serve as Judge, 
      exclusions may be waived from highest-numbered to lowest until
      at least one Player becomes eligible.
      Agents who are not players are not specifically exempted by requirements
      1 or 2.  Thus by 116/0, Joel could select, say, Tomjack's Mom. 
      The last paragraph of the rule seems to imply that the only case in 
      which a non-player could be selected would be if there were no eligible
      players.  This is not made clear, however, and I suggest that we deal
      with the matter on a pragmatic basis until such time as the rule can
      be modified appropriately.