Joel Uckelman on Tue, 2 Jan 2007 12:47:15 -0700 (MST)

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[hosers-talk] greylisting

I've been thinking about setting up greylisting on charybdis. What that
means is that a database of remote email servers would be kept, and only
mail from known servers would be delivered immediately; all other mail
servers would be asked to try again later, and then any mail servers which
actually try again are added to the database. This is pretty effective
against spam because usually legitimate mail servers make a second attempt
to deliver (a few minutes to an hour later, usually), while spammers tend
not to try again with the same message.

So, would it bother anyone if I set up greylisting on charybdis? (This is
likely to affect your real mail only if you routinely receive mail from
people who have never contacted you before which needs to be acted upon
within a few minutes of it being sent.)

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