Jon Stewart on Sat, 22 Oct 2005 20:30:41 -0500 (CDT)

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Re: [hosers-talk] date management

> Joel Uckelman sez:
> >Actually, I'll bet that if you wrote such a thing, it would get used.
> if JON wrote it he would have to release it anonymously.
> jon, i can't believe you would actually need such a thing.

Are you kidding? I would charge money.

At least in Los Angeles, figuring out what you're going to do to entertain 
your SO is hugely time-intensive. Additionally, you want to avoid getting 
stuck in a rut; thus, a PRNG presenting you with, say, 3 options would be 
a fantastic thing.


Check out these kick-ass hard drive sleds:

They arrived today and fit like a glove into the Octane case.

Jon Stewart
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