Michael Gorman on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 15:01:50 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [eia] Bavarians, Linz, f/5-, Austrians E of Linz, f/5-

At 03:45 PM 2/20/2007, you wrote:
>The Paris battle will have to wait for Britain's land phase, but we could go
>ahead with Vienna, I guess.  But I'm certainly not skilled in setting up
>escrows, as all of the failed attempts Mark and I left on the orders page
>can attest to.

I've sent out the escrow and I'll send in my chit pretty soon.  As the 
phasing players, you guys choose order of battle resolution so if you want 
to see Paris results first, don't answer the escrow until after Paris is 

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