J.J. Young on Sat, 2 Dec 2006 11:19:41 -0700 (MST)

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[eia] Russian land phase, 1/07

Depot removal:  none
Depot creation:  Hamburg ($1)

1 I:  hold at Paris (f/ 4-)
1 I:  hold at Danzig (f/ 4-)
1 I:  Konigsberg ---> Danzig ($1)
1 I:  Kustrin ---> Posen (pick up 1 I) ---> Warsaw (pick up 1 M, drop 3 I) ($1)
1 I:  Warsaw (pick up 3 I) ---> Olmutz ($2 Austrian OR f/ 2-)
1 C:  Warsaw ---> SW of Lublin (f/ 6-)
3 I, 1 Swe (w/ Kutusov):  Warsaw ---> SW of Lublin ($4)
1 Swe (w/ Alexander):  Hamburg ---> besiege Kassel ($6)
1 Swe:  Colberg ---> besiege Hanover ($4)
1 Ck:  hold at Paris
1 Ck:  NE of Breslau ---> NE of Hesse
1 Ck:  Thorn ---> Leopoldstadt

Total costs:  $17 Russian, $2 Austrian ?

Two siege rolls are coming up.  I'll hold up on my forage rolls until we Austria confirms whether or not to pay supply for Olmutz.

For the Motherland !
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