James Helle on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 08:03:15 -0700 (MST)

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[eia] FW: Support our troops AND our freedom...

-----Original Message-----
From: Kim McNeal [mailto:kmcneal@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 7:16 AM
To: dan connor; Jim; Joe; Magg; Nick; Sheryl; Stephanie; Tom McNEal
Cc: gonzimodo@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: FW: Support our troops AND our freedom...

Subject: Let's support our Troops!

      Subject: After 1,000 names send to Fox News: Address below
      About the U.S. Marine in Iraq who shot and killed an enemy combatant
who was pretending to be dead but in reality was alive. If you have any
feelings for this Marine who was doing his job then please read and help
take action for this American Hero. I am asking all who receive this message
to add your name in support of the young Marine accused of murdering a
combatant in Iraq.
      He called out to his buddies that the person was faking, the person
apparently made a suspect move and the marine shot him dead. There was
another combatant in the room who identified himself as being
wounded.....The marines did not shoot him. The do-gooders and bleeding
hearts at the ACLU are claiming the marine is guilty of a war crime.  This
is ridiculous!
      Bill O'Reilly of the Fox News Channel feels there is overwhelming
support for this young Marine - Let's prove him right - we can make a
      The servicemen fighting for our freedom and safety deserve our
      Support is indicated by adding your name to the list that follows .
Best to copy and paste, then add your name to the list or, press "forward"
(please remove all previous address's when forwarding) and send to everyone
in your address book you think should read this. You can only add your name
after you have pressed "forward" or "copy and paste" don't delete any
names - just go to the next number and type your name.
      After 1,000 names send to Fox News:
      1. Joe Mallison, Michigan
      2. William Ast, Florida
      3. John Stockbeger,Tennessee
      4. Charles Horst, Tennessee
      5. Clarence Elmore, Tennessee
      6. Arthur Claessens, California
      7. Guy Veasey, California
      8. John Granville, Texas
      9. Laura Granville, Texas
      10. Ernie Granville, California
      11. Chris Carnohan, Texas
      12. Pat Carnohan, Texas
      13. Myron Rodee, Iowa
      14. Art Bloomer, Kansas
      15. Jack Turner, Virginia
      16. Victor DuBois
      17. Marguerite DuBois
      18. Theresa Champagne
      19. Robert Champagne
      20. Carol Worthley
      21. R. Randy Worthley
      22. Arthur J. Roy, Lewiston, Me .
      23. Paul J. Chevalier, New Hampshire
      24. Cathie Chevalier, New Hampshire
      25. Joe Petrone, New Hampshire
      26. Augusta Petrone, New Hampshire
      27. Sam Thiessen, Colorado
      28. Ken Melcher, Colorado
      29. Louise Walko, Colorado
      30. Walter A. Walk o,Colorado
      31. Billy J. Barr,llinois
      32. Marilyn S. Barr,Illinois
      33. Cliff Sonberg,Colorado
      34. Eileen Sonberg,Col! orado
      35. Dale J. Kreller, La
      36. Stan Zaborowski,Washington
      37. Fain Poo, WA
      38. Wm. Harris, TX
      39. Sally Harri s, TX
      40. Tim Ireland, SC
      41. Fran Ireland, SC
      42. Tommy Thorne, SC
      43. June Thorne, SC
      44. Kitty Jackson,SC
      45. Blanche Bell, SC
      46. George Warchol
      47. Mary Warchol
      48. Megan Warchol
      49. Ray Croft, Washington
      50. Rosanne Croft,Washington
      51. Doug Talley,Washington
      52 . Pat Talley, Washington
      53. Roland Chastain,Indianapolis, IN
      54 . Pat Chastain,Indianapolis, IN
      55. Harry Sanders,Columbus, In
      56. Sue Sanders,C! olumbus,IN
      57. Christy Sanders,Columbus, IN
      58. Will Pumphrey,Greensburg, IN
      59. Joe Prosser, CapeCoral, FL
      60 . Rodney Post,Westminster, CA
      61. Gerda Post,Westminster, CA
      62. Roberta Anderson
      63. Donald Anderson
      64. Bonnie J.! Mauch
      65. Brad Vaughn
      66. Shelly Vaughn
      67. Savannah Vaughn
      68. Scarlett Vaughn
      69. James Ayers
      70. Dawn Ayers
      71. Elizabeth Meyer
      72. Rick Gallier
      73. Charlie Johnson, Houston, TX
      74. SSgt . Johnson, USMC
      75. Mike Dabbs
      76. haron Dabbs
      77. Carl Weaver
      78. Lois Weaver
      79. Kevin MacLaren
      80. John Wolfe
      81. Michelle Wolfe
      83. Syvian Gieiring, PA
      84. Joel Reed, PA
      85. Richard Emlin Reed, FL
      86. Betty C. Reed, FL
      87. Connie Williams, PA
      89. Steve Phillips,Birmingham AL.
      90. Michele McDowall
      100. John McDowall101.
      101. James Selkirk Jr. TN
      102. David Selkirk, NC
      103. Jack Mansfield, TN
      104. Robert Romines, TN
      105. Bonnie Romines, TN
      107. Gary W. Osborne
      108. Ken Burns, FL
      109. Brian E. Langford, FL
      110. Kevin B. Krueger, FL
      111. Tad J. Humphreys,Tampa FL
      112. Ted Van Duin,Seattle, WA
      113. David DelValle, Fl.
      114. Paul Deterding, Fl.
      115. Tony Austin, Tampa.
      116. Joel Herrington,TX
      117. Curtis Smith, Tx
      118. Mary Longnecker,Texas
      119. Paula Stoerner, Texas
      120. Ernie Stoerner, Texas
      121. jessica sjolander, Tx
      122. M.D. Weatherford, TX
      123. B.J. Weatherfo rd, TX
      124. Dixie Roffe, Texas
      125. Denny DeSautel,Oklahoma
      126. Paul DeBow, Minnesota
      127. Nina Darrington,! South Dakota
      128. Chuck Darrington,South Dakota
      129. Trudy DeBow
      130. David DeBow
      131. Fay Mott
      132. Russ Sanders, Ariz.
      133. Ann sanders, Ariz.
      134. Lew Sanders, Phoenix Az.
      135. J. L. (Jim) Tenney
      136. Marion Tenney
      137. Elizabeth Arnold,Alaska
      138. John O. Landreth, LasVegas, NV
      139. Earl Evenson, LasVegas, NV
      140. Betty Evenson, LasVegas, NV
      141. Kristine Schuster, San Clemente, CA.
      142. Deb O'Connell, SanJuan Capistrano, CA
      143. Darrell Joseph, SanJuan Capistrano, Ca
      144 . Robert Voorhies,Twentynine Palms, CA
      145. Tony McDowell, 29 Palms Ca.
      146. Tricia McDowell, 29 Palms Ca.
      147. Shea McDowell, Chico Ca.
      148 Diana McDowell, Chico Ca.
      149. Morgan McDowell, Chico Ca.
      150. Art Belenzo, Chula Vista, CA
      151. Lydia Belenzo, Chula Vista, CA
      152. Arlene Bele! nzo, Chula Vista, CA
      153. Arthur Belenzo, Chula Vista, CA
      154. Leslie Belenzo, ChulaVista, CA
      155. Cris Belenzo, SanDiego, CA
      157. Dennis Schrock, Atoka, OK
      158.William E Smith,Atoka,OK
      159. Penalton N . Lloyd,Montgomery, AL
      160. Benjamin Perez, AppleValley, CA - He should have shot the
reporter first.
      161. Bill Yackle, SC
      162. Chris Huddleston, Orange, CA!
      163. Don Huddleston, Orange, CA
      164. David Allin, Spring Valley, CA.
      165. Jan Allin, Spring Valley, CA.
      166. Lola Melton, San Marcos, CA
      167. Ed Melton San Marcos, CA
      168. Rhonda Brant,Murrieta, CA
      169. Rick Brant,Murrieta, CA
      170. Andrew Bulfer, San Diego, CA
      171. Dan Bulfer, Ram ona, CA
      172. Tonia Ovalle, Chula Vista CA
      173.Albert Ovalle, Chula Vista, CA
      174. Ciarra Ovalle, Chula Vista, CA
      175. William L. Windham, USN GMCS RET, ! Chula Vista,CA
      176. Gonzalo Martinez,San Diego, CA
      177. Terri Hernandez, Chula Vista CA
      178. Diane Nye, Stayton, OR
      179. Michael Woodward, Salem, OR
      180. Sandy Woodward, Salem, OR
      181. Paul & Marilyn Drac! os, Nashville, TN - I agree with Benjamin
Perez (whom I've never met).
      182. Frank J. Maxon
      183. Chuck Dye (Don't always agree with Bill O, but if they don't
fight fair, what should they expect? How about imbedding some ACLU members
with the marines to check over the supposed dead bodies first.)
      184. Kristal Dye
      185. Samantha Dye
      186 . Reece Dye
      187. Jason Nieman
      188. Stacy Nieman
      189. Emily Nieman
      190. GERRY RUSSEL
      191. Vickie Davis,Smiths Creek,Michigan - Let's back our soldiers.
      192. Linda Morley,Yuba City,California
      193. Jim Chatell, Colusa, California
      194. Joanne Abbaticchio,Polk City, FL
      195. Isadora Ciagala,USMC-1962-1966
      197. Pat Buote, Holiday, Fl
      198. Linda Ford VFWA PDP AR
      199. James Ford VFW P.Dist. Commander AR
      200. Donna Walker, VFW Auxiliary , Springdale, AR
      201. Vic Walker, VFW, Springdale, AR.!
      202. Bennie Parks, DAV, Fayetteville, AR.
      203. Jane Parks, Fayetteville, AR
      204. Bob Loyd, Siloam Springs, AR
      205. Ellen Gibbs, Gentry, AR
      206. Sharron Hay, AR
      207. Joy Moore, AR
      208. Debby Reed Torreon Mexico
      209. Garry Reed Torreon Mexico
      210. Bill Tompkins El Cajon Califo rnia
      211. Craig Wheeler El Cajon CA
      212. Katrina Wheeler El Cajon CA
      213. Logan Wheeler El Cajon CA
      214. Lukasz Mikula Boston MA
      215. Melissa McKen! na, Gunnison, CO Sgt USMC
      216. Pablo Briones Donna, TX Cpl USMC
      217. Sgt. James Leedale, CA USMC
      218. Mayra Leedale
      219. Sgt Brian Clarke, MO USMC
      220. Mason D. Kelley TX
      221. Michael Kiley NJ USMC
      222. Michael F. Gross CA LCpl USMC
      223. Lyndon C. Lyon
      224 . Marlene Y. Lyon
      225. James M. Cole
      226. James W McMaster
      227. Corry Steiner, Brookings, OR
      228. Jack Steiner, Brookings, OR
      229. Gladys Harper, San Diego, CA
      230. Kent Harper, San Diego, CA
      231. Pat R. Dobbs, San Marcos, CA
      232. Char Empet, Plano, Texas
      233 . Ken Empet, Plano, Texas
      234. Mary Ann Aceves (I agree with Chuck, 183)
      235. Robert Aceves
      236. Gina Trovato, Seattle, WA (last time I checked, we were at war.
Play by the ACLU's rules? I don't think so!)
      237. Jim Goforth, Seattle, Wa (Why is this even a discussion? ??? EUR
" What if the Marine had been killed by this enemy combatant? Then they
would be saying things like..."the troops are under prepared, untrained
and..." wait, they already have been saying that. This guy is a hero and
there should be no mistaking it! Accusing him otherwise should be considered
an act of treason!)
      238. Bill Weaver, USMC Retired, Richland, WA
      239. Nora Weaver, Richland, WA
      242. Dick Upshaw, Captain, USMC (inactive)
      243. Ed DeSaussure, Captain, USMC (inactive)
      244. Paul Underwood, Captain, USMC (Ret.)
      245. John Scott, Captain, USAF (Ret.)
      246. Ray Wright, Tsgt, USAF (Ret)
      247. Kevin Kalebjian, Ssgt, USAF (honorably discharged)
      248. Rev. Richard Kalebjian, Pharmacist Mate 1c, First Marine
      249. Judy Kalebjian, Lockeford, CA
      250. Myrna Pitchford, Lodi, CA
      251. G . D.Pitchford, Lodi, CA
      252. E.R. Alexander, Galva,Ks.
      253. A.J. Alexander, Galva, Ks.
      254. M.L. Brown, Wichita, KS - Many of the comments made by people on
this list are VERY GOOD.. this guy is a hero, and let's support his every
      255. M.K. Fullerton, Wichita, KS. If anyone should be prosecuted it
should be the ACLU (lawyers for communism, inc.) Let's hustle and get this
list to
      1000 and forward to O'Reilly. We need to stop this travesty and
protect out troops!!!
      256. Shirley Harding, Winfield, Ks.
      257. Mari! on C Kelly
      258. Dean Abbott, Lt.Col. USAF. (Ret) Eugene, OR
      259. Michael J. Carney, LtCol, USAF, (Ret), Methuen, MA
      260. R. B. Mellen Sr, Lowell MA
      261. Lindy Merolle, Lowell MA
      262. Patricia Centola, Lynn, MA
      263. George L. Openshaw, Cherryfield, Me. Please keep this moving to
1000 or more!! Combat is dangerous enough without having to what if the
lawyers and the media when confronted with the enemy.
      264. Mr. Edward Openshaw Bar Harbor, Maine
      265    MICHAEL. J. CARNEY, Lt Col, USAF (Retired)  (978) 857-5263
      266. Allen Ohrmundt, Sgt. USMC (inactive), Hernando Beach, FL
      267. Doug Reppond, GySgt. USMC (Retired) Vincennes, IN
      268. Andrea Reppond
      269. Wayne Scott, MS
      270. Gina Teel, MS
      271. Genelle Teel, MS
      272. Warren Teel, MS
      273. Wayne Teel, MS
      274. Dianna Teel, MS
      275. Paula Poff, MS Army National Guard Wife
      276. Scott Poff, MS SSG Army National Guard
      277. Candy Taylor, Ms 278. Gloria Fortner, MS
      279. Cathy Moffitt, MS
      281. LESLIE JORDAN, MS
      282. Brenda Wooley (Mother of SGT. Rickey A. Jordan
      283.James N. Wooley (Dad of SGT. Rickey A. Jordan
      284. Christopher N. Wooley (brother of SGT Rickey A. Jordan)
      285. Wanda Gooch, MS - Mother of - Army National Guard- Serving in
      286. Jerry Gooch, MS - Father of - Army National Guard- Serving in
      287. Matthew Gooch, MS - Brother of - Army National Guard - Serving in
      289. Ashley Gooch, MS - Sister-in-law of - Army Army National
Guard -Serving in Iraq 290. Nicole Bowen, MS - Finace of - Army National
Guard - Serving in Iraq
      292. Mike Stacey, Al
      293. Danny Jaye father to a US Marine
      294. A.J.Cleland, Florida
      295. LT COL. USMC Ret. Daniel W. Hall Jr.
      296. Elsie S, Hall Wife of a Marine Mother of a Marine
      297 S. . F. "Smokey" Stover, USMC(Ret.)
      298. Chuck Yates, COL USMC RET
      299. Becky Yates, Retired Marine Wife of 50 Years
      300. Marv Mann,COL USMC (Ret)
      301. Arleta Mann
      302. Ned L. Cagle, Col. USAF (Ret)
      303. Dorothy A. Cagle
      304. Karen Cagle
      305. Si Rees
      306. Faith Rees
      307. Jack Bishop
      308. Terry Huggins, Paradise, CA
      309. Bill Light, Northern California
      310. Patti DeRitis, Sunnyvale, Ca
      311. Jeffrey (Tom) Black, Fremont, CA
      312. Donna Black, Fremont, CA
      313. John R.Black, Fremont, CA
      314. Jeremiah Black, Fremont, CA
      315. James Black, Fremont, CA
      316. Terry Weddle, Fremont CA
      317. Tim Mellor, Wallace, ID
      318. Leona DiVecchia, Wallace, ID
      319. Donna Niles, Wallace, ID
      320. Bob Niles,  Wallace< ID
      321. Vikki Patton, WA
      322. Bill Patton, WA
      323. Jwerrilyn Stinsom
      324. Kathryn Eaton
      325. Tom Eaton, Woodland, CA
      326. Gary Anderson, CA
      327. Scott German, CPA Antelope, CA
      328. Sonne Fleming, Roseville, CA
      329. Trillis Fleming, UT
      330. Larry Fleming, Morgan, UT
      331. Alta Julene Dixon Arizona City, Arizona
      332. Eldon Walter Dixon&nb! sp; Arizona City, Arizona
      333. Georgena Whiting Salome , Arizona
      334. Marvin Whiting Salome, Arizona
      335. Jack D, Grover
      336. Phyllis J. Grover Phyllis pjgrover@xxxxxxxxx
      340. George H Moore Pleasant Hill, TN
      341. TALMADGE C. LEWIS
      342. PATRICIA A. LEWIS
      343 . Marcia Nelson, Minnesota
      344. Lavern Soukup&nbs! p; Minnesota
      345. Janet Miller Minnesota
      346. Gary Starman Minnesota
      347. Joan Pfeifer, Minnesota
      348. Tin Hansen, 52 Waseca, Minnesota
      349. Dennis Halverson, Lino Lakes, Mn.
      350. Jim Wigley, USAR, Ret., Minnesota
      351. Clark P. Wigley, Colonel, USAF (Ret)
      352. Carl G. Jensen, LtCol (USAF)(Ret)
      353. George M. Hunter (USAR Ret) "Still Serving in Iraq" and I'm with
my Marine! through thick and thin... because I am there, and will continue
my duty! just as he did his....
      354. Jack L. Strickland Jr. MSgt (USAF Ret)
      355. Greg Flinders, Alabama
      356. Susan E. Flinders, Alabama
      357. Michelle L. Patterson, Texas
      356. Isabella M. Milks, Germany, SrA, USAF I happen to agree with all
of the comments that everyone else has made, as far as I'm concerned all of
these people that think killing combatant that is playing dead need to go
over there and see what war is really like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      358. Ralph C Spaight, California, TSgt, USAF Since this started there
have been people crying about this and that, and how could you kill them!
Well if there are shooting at me, then you better believe that I am going to
shoot back. Maybe if these bleeding heart people stopped talking long enough
to really see what's going on or better yet send them over to defend this
country they would get it, but then again seeing how they work they would
just get someone else to do it for them and complain that the work is too
hard, in the words of my father who was a U.S. Marine for 23 years, "If you
don't do the job others are willing to do for this country, then SHUT THE
      359. Deneane Bell, Tampa Fl
      360. Darryl W. Cole, TSgt (USAF Ret) "DoD serving in Iraq" It is very
easy to comment from the corner of "Bleeding Heart Street". Come on over to
Iraq and take a ride off the FOB and let's see if they change tunes once the
vehicle begins receiving small arms fire from a local neighborhood not to
mention the man made bombs buried on the side of the roads designed to take
out military vehicles and personnel This is a combat zone people and these
extremists are playing for keeps.why can't we? Align your front sight in the
center of your rear sight.once you have proper sight alignment squeeze one
      361. Gregory Cook "DoD Serving in Iraq"
      362. Brad Gregory "DoD Currently serving In Iraq" If it were me, I
would have taken the gun, turned it sideways and shoved it straight up that
insurgents candy a$$ . Hmm let me see, why don't I play dead, hope that the
troops will leave . And then I'll grab my rocket launcher! He should have
surrendered! Better yet, he should have left the damn city when they were
told to.
      363 . Carl Finto II, American Contractor in Iraq
      364. Anthony Mooney, USMC (inactive)- American Contractor in Iraq
      365. Jacob Chytka, American Firefighter Contractor in Iraq
      366. Joseph L Brooks U.S Army,Vietnam Vet
      367. Carla Bailey, U.S. Army Reserves, Norris, Tn.
      368. Margaret Thornton Taylor, wife of Active USAF, Okinawa Japan
      369. Amy DuPree, Ft. Walton Bch, Florida
      370. Mike Chauvin, Ft Walton Beach, FL
      371. Shelby Chauvin, Ft Walton Beach, FL
      372. Michelle Piaquadio, Ft Walton Beach, FL
      373. Christopher Piaquadio, FT Walton Beach, FL
      374. Dick Keaton Galeton , Pa.
      375. Janice Keaton Galeton , Pa .
      376. Scott Keaton Galeton , Pa
      377. Dickie Keaton Galeton , Pa
      378. Chris Rucker, Newport, RI
      379. Belinda Cole new mexico
      380. Barbara Hensley new mexico
      381. Michelle Salas new mexico
      382. Jennifer McCutchen, Albuquerque, New Mexico
      383. Becky Rodgers Levelland, Texas
      384. Mev Upton, Midland, TX
      385. Glynece Upton, Midland, TX
      387. GREG BLAZEK, Odessa, FL. USN (Inactive

      395. C.S Ainsworth, NM
      396. Margret Schlageter, NM
      397. Jacquelyn A.Schlageter NM Former USN
      398. George J. Schlageter NM Former USCG
      399. Fred J. Schlageter NM
      400. Phyllis Hancock IL
      401. Darrell E. James - Tamms, Illinois
      402. Dariel Emery-IL
      403. Marjorie Emery-- IL. (Agree w/ all of the above..ACLU have a lot
of lip...but wouldnt     dare to set their feet in real harms way, as
Service Men & Women do everyday!!
      404. Jean Whipple - IL
      405. Vi Adams - IL
      406. John Adams - IL
      407. Colleen VanZandt-IL.
      408. James Langley
      409. Karen Langley
      410. Cody Thibodeaux
      411. Susanne Kerr, Ohio
      412. Delbert Goss,, Tx, Former USA
      413. Sheila miller,, Indiana ,USA
      414. William Miller, Indiana,USA
      415. Georgeann Prestin, South Bend Ind
      416. Deb Connett, South Bend Ind
      417. Robin Pedzinski, Elkhart,IN It's war! Leave him alone! This young
man will never forget what he has done another human being, while defending
freedom. ACLU needs to leave this country since they don't like the way we
do things in                 America... it's majority rules, not minority!
      418. Vince Rumfelt, Elkhart, IN
      419. Max Rink, Florida
      420. Nancy Rink, Florida
      421. Barbara Materiale, Florida
      422. Suzanne Hicks, Kansas City, KS
      423. Susan Boyd, Springfield, Missouri
      434. Cheryl Crow, Springfield, MO
      435. Marge Conyers, Springfield, MO.
      436. Becky Woods, Republic, MO
      437. Theresa Fly, Clever, MO.
      438. Deena Cope, Jay, Ok.
      439. Kenneth Cope,Jay, Ok.
      440. Mary Hodges Grove, Ok
      441. Gearld Hodges Grove, Ok
      442. Lela Davis Grove, Ok
      443 . Nikki Lewis Grove, Ok
      444. Karin Redd Springfield, MO.
      445. Pam & Scott Keane Springfield MO, daughter currently serving in
Iraq in the Army
      446. Carolyn Gourley, St. Louis, MO
      447. Cathey Martin - why do we allow a communist organization to take
over our country and our laws?
      448. Cathy Champion - Fenton, MO
      449. Paul Dunn, Stanton, MO
      500. Ruth Dunn, Stanton, MO
      501. Carol Cherry,Sullivan,Mo.
      502. Richard Cherry,Sullivan,Mo.
      503. James M. Scott, Sullivan, Mo.
      504. Ruth Scott, Sullivan, Mo.
      505. G. Monda, Mo
      506. B. Monda, Mo
      507. Dannie Adksion Mo
      508. Susie Adkison Mo
      509 . Velma Martin This Marine probably saved a lot of his buddies by
being very alert! Thank God for this young man!
      510. Stanley Martin
      511. Phyllis Conaway
      512. Carolyn Gargus, Saint James, MO
      513. mary Moran Hyannis, neb.
      514. Kim Foreman, Hyannis, NE
      515. Glenda Phipps, Whitman, NE
      516. Gary Phipps, Whitman, NE
      517. Norma Sigler, CA
      518. Shirley Moffett, CO
      519. Bill Moffett, CO - thank God for our young men, we are at war
      520. Bill Anderson, AR
      521. Bette Anderson, AR Pray for this young man and his family.
      522. CharlesE. Bowman, HMC FMF USN RETIRED, Santa Ana, CA. If you
haven't been there, do not judge the actions of those that are there. I
      523. John Hale, RMCS, USN, RET.
      524. Ray Benacci Claremont Ca.
      525. Richard & Loretta Chesnutt, Yerington, NV
      526. Jim Witowski, CA
      527. Coni Witowski, CA
      528. Debbie Rojek, AZ
      529. Vernon Rojek, USMC, RET.
      530. Pat Imbastaro
      531. Joan Mitchell,AZ
      532. B Dittenhauser
      533. Diane Dittenhauser, Murfreesboro, TN
      534. Scott Dittenhauser, Murfreesboro, TN
      535. Sue Nesbitt, Ohio
      536. Valerie Parker
      537. Danny Parker
      538. Snow Cortez, Bethel Ohio Our Marines Rock! aclu needs to find a
new job... I think Micky Dee's was still hiring!
      539. Wes Ford, Rochester, MN
      540. Cindy Page, WV
      541. Ken Page, WV
      542. Kristina Geib wife of U.S. Army soldier currently in Iraq
      543. Mary Harris wife of a deployed US ARMY soldier
      544. Rose Breeding (Grandmother of a soldier) 1 year there and now
must return again         for another year!
      545. Glenn Breeding( Grandfather of the same soldier) Pray for our
      546. Delores Conklin Ridgefield, Wash.
      547. Leonard Conklin " "
      548. R.Robert Burns. USMC in the 60's WA
      549. Kent Burns
      550. Fred Pickering
      551. Bob Croskey ww2 and Korea
      552. Sally Luse WA
      553. Sandi Allen, Lacey, WA
      554. Tammy Yeakey, WA
      555. Linda Shaw, WA
      556. Mary Franks, Washington
      557. Paula James, Washington
      558. Jennifer Wilston
      559. Pam Wilwton, HI
      560. Dan Wilston, HI
      561. Rhonda Hay, Kihei, HI
      562. Morgan Rigel, Kihei HI
      563. Helen Jackson Wa
      564. Linda Simmons
      565. Dave Simmons
      566. Evelyn L. Benson, IL
      567. OL. . Potts , Illinois
      568. Wayne Arnold, Illinois
      569. Richard P. Campbell, SMSGT, USAF (Ret), Houston, Texas
      570. Lisa Gaskill- Son is leaving for Marine Boot camp Sept 19, 2005
      571. Tom McCurley, Middletown, Ohio
      572. Scott Weaver , Middletown ,Ohio
      573. Deborah Mink, Bradenton, Florida
      574. Gary Mink, Bradenton Florida USMC 67' - 70' When fighting, where
a lost second can cost you your life, this Marine did his duty. When the
enemy uses those tactics as part of their way of fighting they must then
handle the actions taken to stop it.
      575. Cindy Balach - Wife - Ret. USMC
      576. Lisa See - Grove City, OH
      577. Nancy Clay - Columbus, Ohio
      578. Carmen Stemen, Westerville, Ohio
      579. Carolyn Hannick, Westerville, Ohio
      580. Kenneth R. Eakin Jr. U.S. Army 69' - 71'
      581. Susan O'Cull Goshen, Ohio (USAR wife)
      582. Phill O'Cull Goshen, Ohio (USAR)
      583. Stacie Humpert Goshen, Ohio
      584. Rick Williams Hillsboro, Ohio (USAR)
      585.Becky Williams Hillsboro, Ohio (USAR wife
      586. Ssgt. William P. Ryan USAFR (Highland Co. Ohio)
      587. Sarah M. Ryan USAFR Wife (Highland Co. Ohio)
      588. Jennifer T. Randolph - Hillsboro, Ohio
      589. Cathy Dachenbach, Columbus, OH
      590. James Melville Duner, Colorado Springs, CO
      591. C. Dino Pappas, Skokie, IL.
      592. Jim Vlazny, Glenview, IL
      593. Jean Dorgan, Chicago, IL.
      594. Juliann Rottier, Onalaska, Wi.
      595. Catherine Mitchell, New Lenox, IL
      596. Cindy Young, New Lenox, IL
      597. Kim Smyth New Lenox, Il
      598. Cindy Stukel, Plainfield, IL .
      599. Kristine Himmelman, Joliet, IL
      600. Heather Hanbaum, Joliet IL
      601. Christine Wilhelmi, Wiesbaden,Germany
      602. Dan Feeney, Manhattan Il
      603. Russ Gwynne, Henderson, NV.
      604. Robert Spana, Tampa, FL
      605. Mona Strayer, Maytown, PA
      606. Sharon Early, Lancaster, PA
      607. Linda Whalen, Lewistown, MT
      608. Kimberly Rice- former UARA always in support of our people in all
      609. Karen M. Harris
      610  Melinda Butts, Havelock NC
      611. Kristina Spencer, Ilion, NY- No relation to any troops, but we
are at war. These guys are doing what they need to to survive. Should we
have sat back and let these cowards continue to attack our country?
Unfortunately War = death. These soldiers know this and don't want to die.
That means they have to kill the enemy that is trying to kill them! I will
always support our troops, They don't get to decide when war breaks out!
      612  Kim Rice
      613 David Riggi- 2 Brothers 1-Iraq 1-Korea
      614 Stephanie Riggi
      615 PFC Dennis Riggi (US Army)~ Deployed to Iraq
      616 Courtney Riggi (US Army Wife)
      617 PFC Douglas Riggi (US ARMY) in Korea
      618: spc allison kohler, camp humphreys korea
      619. PFC Steven Moats(US ARMY) Camp Humphreys
      620. PFC Xandria Vo ( US ARMY) Camp Humphreys, Korea
      621. Nelson, Tegan (US ARMY) Camp Humphreys, Korea
      622. Will Thompson, Paso Robles CA
      623. DJ Peck, Paso Robles, CA
      624. Bethany Saylor, san luis obispo, CA
      625. Brian Joanou, SLO, CA
      626. Janie Arnold, Lompoc, CA..
      627. Neo Anderson,Vancouver,B.C.,Canada
      628. April Phillips, Spartanburg, SC
      629. LCpl LaRosa (USMC) Okinawa, Japan
      630. LCpl Gendron (USMC) Okinawa, Japan
      631. PFC Hanes (USMC) Okinawa, Japan
      632. LCpl Jorgensen, Cassandra (USMC) Okinawa, Japan
      633. LCpl Fernando A. Brea (USMC) 3Div G2 Okinawa, Japan
      634. LCpl Matthew L. Johnson (USMC) 3rd Marine Division Okinawa,
      635. LCpl Robert J. Moore (USMC) 3rd Mar. Div. Okinawa, Japan
      636. Rachel Buskey, Okinawa, Ja.
      637. SSgt. Stephen Buskey (USMC) Okinawa, Japan
      638. SSgt. Pete Cunningham (USAF) Okinawa, Japan
      639. SrA Eric Raley (USAF) Edwards AFB, CA, USA
      670. Erica Jacobo, Spokane, WA
      671: (S)Sgt. Carlo Jay S. Magno Fairchild AFB, WA. USAF
      672. Deborah Romberger, Spokane WA
      673 . Makana & Lyn Cortez (USMC) Lanai city, HI
      674: CPL Jared Bullard (USMC) & Kathlenn Bullard antioch, ca &
OKinawa, Japan
      675 . Natalie Grubb Anaheim, CA
      676. Petty Officer Cavaggioni, Norfolk VA Hoorah Marine Corps! Semper
      677. Angela England Fort Drum NY
      678. lcpl webb alexandria va
      679. CPL Greg Smith Alexandria, VA (USMC) Semper Fi!
      680. Kathryn Amirpashaie, VA
      681. Carolyn Amirpashaie, VA
      682. SPC Wenger, Daniel...VA, but currently in FOB Kalsu, Iraq... we
are here doing what we can to protect you all back home... many of us here
have been in his shoes too many times, and in that split second you are
thinking about your safety and your buddies to ur left and right's safety, i
know in my heart he made the right decision...those hippies are a bunch of
      683. Allison Kaler, VA
      684. Bryan Evans, VA Im glad someones doing something for this guy cuz
thats complete bullshit i dont believe in this war but i love our military
and its hard enough to fight some random towel heads without uniforms but
for a guy to get court marshalled and be on trial for murder for protecting
himself and his fellow soldiers is ludicrous everyone else thank you for
your support
      685. Tony martinez, VA why is this even a big deal? he was doing waht
he had to do in order to protect himself and his fellow soldiers. what,....
was he suppossed to wait for the man to fire two rounds into his chest
beofre he shot back?
      686. Ashley Vaughan, VA- i agree with tony and the guy before him. :)
      687. Carter Burkey, VA - Put yourself in his shoes. He did what he did
to protect himself and others around him. This Marine should be praised not
punished. How many Marines would be dead now if the person he shot would've
pulled out a gun or a pin on a Gernade?
      688. Amanda Willis, Va.- Anybody would protect their own life! It is
      689. Kristin Stell, VA
      690. Chris Smith, VA- The man was protecting his life as well as his
fellow Marines. He should he praised for that instead of being charged .
What would you have done? That combatant could've done anything to kill all
of those Marines.
      691. Amber Hale, Va
      692. Julie Miller,Va
      693. Brittany hedgepeth ,va
      694. Julia Keene, NC
      695. Evelyn White, WV...when did doing one's job become a
crime?...soldiers kill the enemy...its in their job description...and to
those of you now

      696. Tim Collins, VA
      697. Karen Vannoy, NC
      698. Mary McBride USMC Wife
      699. Barbara Evanson, NC
      700. Cpl Grant, USMC, Iraq
      701. SGT Grant , USMC, Fallujah,Iraq. Would have done the same. OOHRAH
and Semper Fidelis
      702. Sergeant Evanson, USMC, Any Marnine that saves another US Force
life no matter what the cost deserves an award not a trial. Men like myself
and others have come this far not by being timid but by making a decision
and executing, with professionalism and without prejudice. Let the Marine be
judged by twelve of his peers in court so that he may never have a doubt in
his life of why he let himself or fellow Leatherneck go home in a body bag.
Always remember life is fragile and in this game where it is survival of the
fittest, let America values prevail. Judged by twelve not carried by six.
Semper Fidelis. P.S.Anybody who disagrees needs to ask themselves one
question: Let American Men and Women die, or let a known terrorist pay the
ultimate sacrifice for his crimes against humanity????? What would you
      703. Gunnery Sergeant Karl B. Garrett, USMC
      704. Ivan Garrett, US NAVY
      705. Michael A. Hanna, US Navy Veteran
      706. Ellery D. DeSanto, US Navy Retired
      707. Judith G. DeSanto, USAF Veteran
      708.  Pat Peters, Charter/Life member VFW Ladies Auxiliary 1503
      709 Mike Hadden  U.S.A.F  1968-19721. Joe Mallison, Michigan
      710. Nicole Soule-Baker, Florida
      711. Rob Baker, Retired USAF
      712  Louise S. Burton, Florida
      713.  Caroline Haessler, California
      714.  Peter Maguire, Gilroy CA
      715.  Elizabeth Maguire, Gilroy CA
      716. Jack Maguire, Gilroy, CA
      717. Craig Johnson, Chico, CA
      718. Mary Johnson, Chico, CA
      719.  Mary Ginno, Chico, CA
      720.  Gordon Ginno, Chico, CA
      721.  Rob Parker
      722. Daryl Sawdy USMC 1969-72'
      723. David Sawdy USAF 1955-1960
       724. Phyllis Lang
      725. Ed Harmon, Mich.
      726. Teresa Harmon, MI
      727. Rosalee Holt, MI
      728. Howard Holt, MI
      729. Myra Stephenson, Al
      730.  Bob Picard TX
      731.  Charles Picard   California
      733. Jimmy Stickney, Santa Rosa, Ca...USMC..1968-1972...This is a War
Zone! I think all of those journalists should ride along, with a suicide
bomber....then, they might get the message, that war isn't fair, and others
don't play by the rules either.
      734.  Dori Lang, Napa CA
      735.  Ken Lang, Hayward Ca
      736.  Cindy L. Weidenheimer, Sequim, WA
      737.  Gerry Woodman, Gardendale, AL
      738. Edward Woodman, Gardendale, Al
      739. Laurel Boehm, Warrior, AL
      740. Jeffrey Boehm, Warrior, AL
       741. Pat Mize, Gardendale,Alabama
       742. Joe Mize, Gardendale,Alabama
      743.  Paul Rhoades, Fultondale, AL
      744.  Ann Rhoades, Fultondale, AL
      745.  Jean Guthrie, Dora, AL
      746.  Susan Hodge, Bend, OR
      747.  Kari H, OR  My feeling is....  you don't like it here, MOVE TO
ANOTHER COUNTRY!!! There are enough people coming in from other countries...
TRYING TO CHANGE OUR WAYS... so I know there must be lots of room in THEIR
OUR FREEDOM!  We shouldn't have to change OUR WAYS... we have the RIGHT TO
      748.    Ernie Amundson Jr  Newberg, OR
      749  Kim McNeal, Columbus OH

750  James Helle,  It doesn't sound to me like this soldier did anything
wrong.  It occurs to me that if the media spent as much effort reporting the
good things being accomplished by this conflict as they do reporting daily
body counts there would be overwhelming support for this war!  Our
servicemen are thousands of miles from their families doing a thankless job
and the least we can do is show them that their fellow countrymen support
*them*, regardless of any opinions about the validity of the war.
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