Michael Gorman on Mon, 7 Aug 2006 16:19:58 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [eia] Strasbourg errors?

At 01:17 PM 8/7/2006, you wrote:
>And yes, you get to lose 3 PPs and Austria wins 3 PPs because of corps size.
>Pursuit class isn't affected, pursuit die rolls are shifted one column.
>Yes, I rolled a 6, on the column one over, for a net 30%.

Effectively it's the same.  If you shift the column you roll in the column 
of a different pursuit class, there's no difference in saying your pursuit 
class changes.  It's much like how we handle forage rolls.  Technically, 
nothing changes the forage value of a space, everything modifies the die 
roll, but it's easier to just keep track of what number represents zero 
factors lost.

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