Michael Gorman on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 18:40:48 -0500 (CDT)

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Re: [eia] [escrow] July 1806 Political Orders

>Russia offers Prussia an informal peace, based on Prussia's promise to
>rescind French access to Masovia, Posen, East and West Prussia.

This does raise an important question.  On it's face, this is not a viable 
statement.  Russia is not allowed to put conditions of this sort on a peace 
agreement, certainly not an informal peace.  The only way this works is if 
access is put before the peace step in the political phase.  Otherwise 
Russia has to offer the peace or not and hope Prussia keeps its word.

Since the access step is kluged into the political phase in an undefined 
manner, where in the order is it?

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