J.J. Young on Sun, 11 Dec 2005 00:15:59 -0600 (CST)

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[eia] London results

So in round 1, the Allies inflict no casualties, but do -0.5 morale to the French.  In return, the French inflict -2 I and
-0.8 morale on the Allies.  

In round 2, the Allies inflict -2 I on the French, along with -0.9 morale.  The French inflict -2 I and -1.8 morale on the Allies.

In round 3, both sides break and must lose a cavalry factor.  The Allies inflict -4 I and -1 C on the French, along with -3.2 morale.  The French inflict -1 I and -1 C on the Allies, along with -1.6 morale.

Total casulaties are -5 I, -1 C for the Allies (one of which will be British), and -6 I, -1 C for the French.  The siege resumes, and the Russians (other than the corps inside London) must retreat to the area south of London.  There are no pursuits or political changes.

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