Michael Gorman on Mon, 28 Nov 2005 15:36:40 -0600 (CST)

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Re: [eia] French Economic Phase


I have France in the highest 9 (i.e., no change from the initial status).
Also, since I'm at variance with Britain, I'll list what I've recorded
here so you can both check it:

  A   B   F   P   R   S   T
 +1   0   0  +1  +2  -4  +3   March 1805
             -1               P DoW Denmark, -2
         +2                   F controls Denmark, +2
     +1  +1                   B defeats F off Christiana/Copenhagen, +1/-1
     +2   0                   B defeats F off Christiana/Copenhagen, +1/-1
     +3  -1                   B defeats F in Christiana harbor, +1/-1
     +2   0                   F defeats B in Riga box, +1/-1
         +2              +1   F conquers Tuscany, Wurttemburg from T, +2/-2
     +3  +1                   B conquers Sicily from F, +1/-1
         +2      +1           F conquers Papacy from Russia, +1/-1
                  0           R PSA, -1
                     -3       S PSA, +1
     +1                       B PSA, -2
                         +2   T PSA, +1
          0                   F PSA, -2

No one complained at the start of March, so I assume that the first line
is correct.
I think I left out taking control of Denmark and ended up balancing the naval battles off with the conquest phase instead of going into the conquest phase even for the turn.

Yay, I get 10 points instead and end up higher on the track than I thought I was.

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