Michael Gorman on Fri, 16 Sep 2005 15:47:41 -0500 (CDT)

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Re: [eia] [escrow] January 1805 Political Orders

At 03:41 PM 9/16/2005, you wrote:
I don't think the Papal states actually got war declared on them, after all
was said and done.

Austria and Turkey ally (+1 PP each).
Turkey gains control of the Duchies, Mecklenberg, and Romagna (+3 PPs).

GB (+2), Russia (+2), and Turkey (+0) will roll for control of Baden.
Russia (+2) and Turkey (+0) will roll for control of Berg.
France (+4), Prussia (+0), Russia (+0), and Turkey (+0) will roll for
control of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.
Prussia (+1) and Turkey (+3) will roll for control of Morocco.
Prussia and Turkey (both +0) will roll for control of Portugal.
Russia and Turkey (both +0) will roll for control of Sardinia.
France (+6), GB (+3), Prussia (+1), and Turkey (+1) will roll for control of
the Kingdom of Sweden.
Prussia and Spain (both +0) will roll for control of Tunisia.

Unless I missed something, all minors that had a DOW against them were
supported by somebody, so nobody got any freebies.


Do I still get the +1 dominant power modifier or will I have lost that because of the declarations of war cost me three points?


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