J.J. Young on Tue, 28 Dec 2004 23:38:35 -0600 (CST)

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Re: [eia] British land phase, 8/06

BTW, the I Sweden corps is now 4 I, 1 C.  The II Sweden corps is now 5 I, 2


----- Original Message -----
From: "J.J. Young" <jjy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "public list for an Empires in Arms game" <eia@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 12:23 AM
Subject: [eia] British land phase, 8/06

> Depot removal:  SE of London
> Depot Creation:  Cagliari, W of Paris, w/ III fleet off Bordeaux
> ($3)
> Sweden corps:  W of Paris ---> Paris, drop a 2 I depot garrison (f/ 5-)
> Sweden corps:  Lille (drop a 1 I depot garrison) ---> Paris (pick up the 2
I depot garrison) ---> besiege Soissons ($1)
> Cavalry corps (w/ Wellington):  W of Paris ---> Paris (f/ 7-)
> 3 I, Austrian corps:  W of Paris ---> Paris (f/ 5-)
> 1 I:  Le Havre ---> S of Soissons ($1)
> 1 I:  hold at Cagliari (f/ 5-)
> Portugal corps:  disembark and besiege Bordeaux ($1)
> Naples corps:  besieged at Turin (f/ 4-)
> Total cost:  $6
> This results in sieges at Bordeaux and Soissons, and a whole lot of forage
rolls, which I will send along directly.
> God Save the King !
> -JJY
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