Michael Gorman on Wed, 1 Sep 2004 15:23:36 -0500 (CDT)

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[eia] Prussian Economic Phase

Victory Points: 8
Money and Manpower:
Base: $36/18
Ceded Provinces: $-7/-3
Conquered Minors: $5/2
Domestic Trade: $7
American Trade: $6
Totals: $47/17

Saxony: $12/6
Denmark: $19/8
Poland: $14/6

Manipulation: None

Public Expenses:
Prussia: -$7 for corps
Denmark: -$1 for corps and -$1 for a fleet in port
	begins construction on a ship at Copenhagen
Saxony: -$1 for corps

Political Adjustment: -1 to Lowest 8 box

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