D Mount on Mon, 30 Aug 2004 07:59:25 -0500 (CDT)

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Re: [eia] Spanish Land Phase, December 1805

Opps, the corps in Gibraltar will be payed for so they can lay seige. 

D Mount <mount324@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Create Depot: Madrid ($1)
Remove Depot: 

I: disembark to Liverpool (f/5-)
I: Cadiz -> Lisbon (f/2-)
I: hold at Jerusalem (f/4-)
C: hold at Jerusalem (f/a)
I: Oran -> Algiers ($2) 
I: Cadiz w/ Castanos -> Gibraltar(f/a)
I: Cartagena -> Madrid ($.5)

Pay for French corps in Spain ($1)

Total: $5

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