Joel Uckelman on Thu, 18 Mar 2004 21:44:04 -0600 (CST)

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Re: [eia] Turkish Land Phase, December 1807

Thus spake Michael Gorman:
> At 11:51 AM 3/18/2004 -0600, you wrote:
> >1I at Athens holds (4-)
> >2I at Sinope hold ($2)
> >1I, Grand Vizier S of Nish -> Nish -> Nicopolis -> N of Nicopolis -> W of
> >Bucharest, burns depot (auto)
> >
> >Egyptians at Alexandria hold (auto)
> >Syrians at Alexandria -> W of Alexandria (5-)
> >
> >Egyptians at Benghazi hold ($1 Austrian)
> >1C at Tripoli holds ($1 Austrian)
> >
> >The two corps in Italy will move later.
> The two corps don't have the choice to move later since there was no 
> combined movement with Turkey.  They have to go before the Austrian land phas
> e.
> Mike

Explanation: Everett and I haven't had a chance to confer, so I'm not
ending my turn yet. I sent out the orders for everything else in order
to expedite things, since none of rest depends on what happens in Italy.
I wasn't expecting to move after Everett. I just wasn't done yet.

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