Michael Gorman on 2 Feb 2004 22:27:38 -0000

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Re: [eia] battles involving allied garrisons

At 04:14 PM 2/2/2004 -0500, you wrote:
So once we have Turkey's remaining orders, we can start resolving the field
battle at Turin and the relief battle at Forence.  BTW, so that I don't hold
things up, I'll announce now that the Florence garrison_will_ participate in
the battle (1 I at 4.5 morale).

It will not affect my decision either way, but here are some questions about
this situation and similar situations (such as a depot garrison one one ally
fighting alongside another ally's corps in a battle), which I would like to
hear the official word on or resolve amongst ourselves:

1.)  Does my garrison's participation in the battle involve GB in political
point losses or gains for the battle ?

The heart of this question is, do all the allies involved in a field or
limited field battle receive/lose PPs, or just the ones with _corps_ in the
battle ?  My first impression is that if there are anyone's corps involved
on both sides in the battle, then everyone with _factors_ involved, not just
corps, should be included in the PP losses or gains.  Be everyone might not

2.)  Would my garrison be allowed to participate in the relief battle if I
did not have combined movement with the relievers ?

Obviously, question #2 would not apply in the case of a depot garrison,
which could only be involved in a defensive battle, and so would definitely
be able to fight.

        I would think yes to both of these.


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