J.J. Young on 4 May 2003 02:15:01 -0000

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Re: [eia] Battle in Algeria

> Algerian corps has 5I and 5C for a total of 10 factors with 1.5 morale.
> Spanish corps has 1G and 9I for a total of 10 factors with 3.2 morale.
> First round:
> Algeria rolls 3+1 = 4 for -1 casulty to Spain (infantry) and -.8 morale.
> Spain rolls 5-1 = 4 for -1 casulty to Algeria (I assume infantry) and -.8
> morale.

I had forgotten that Russian-controlled corps have an intrinsic tactical
rating of 2, that makes the modifiers for Algeria +1 (cavalry superiority),
and -1 for Spain.  You had this right, and what I did in my summary was

> Second round:
> Algeria rolls 1+1 = 2 for 0 casulties and -.4 morale loss.

Since Algeria was rolling on table 4-1, a roll of 2 means 5% casualties (-1

> Spain rolls 1-1 = 0 for 0 casulties and -.9 morale loss breaking the
> Algerian corps.

Rolling on table 3-4, a 0 gives 5% casualties (-1 C, since the Algerians
Total losses: Algeria -1 I, -1 C; Spain -2 I.

> No pursuit!

Everything else looks good.


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