Everett E. Proctor on 8 Feb 2003 06:53:01 -0000

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[eia] July '05 Austrian Land Phase

I at Leopold Stadt => Krakow (F:A)
I at Leopold Stadt => Olmutz (F:A)

I at Lemberg hold (F:A)
C at Lemberg hold (F:A)
I at Czernowitz => Lemberg ($.5)
C at Czernowitz hold (F:A)
C w/John between Debretzin and Czernowitz => Czernowitz (F:A)
I w/Charles between Klausenberg and Czernowitz => Czernowitz ($.5)
I at Debretzin => Czernowitz ($.5)

Total cost: $2
Everett E. Proctor <spiritmast@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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