Everett E. Proctor on 15 Jul 2002 17:19:02 -0000

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[eia] escrow set up problems

I just tried to set up an escrow for the battle of Mantua, and ran into
a couple of problems (and got called a wanker):

First, when I set up the escrow, I got two e-mails, the one that I'm
supposed reply to, and a confirmation.   I am forwarding this to Joel so
he can take a look at it.  It appears that it did not recognize where to
send the results to (it may have just been cut off, and it might be
working just fine, I'm just mentioning this in case it isn't working,
which I won't know because of my second problem)

Secondly, when I replied to the escrow message (yes, I replied to the
correct e-mail, not the confirmation e-mail) I got back an error message,
which is copied below.  It looks like the escrow did not recognize it as
an escrow reply, but instead as instructions for setting up a new escrow.

Kyle, do you want to send our chit choices to a third person if we can't
get the escrow to work, or do you have a better idea?


> This is an automatic response generated by the escrow agent at nomic.net.
> Do not reply to this message; all replies to this message will be discarded.
> You said:
> > Austria chooses:   (my choice was listed here)
> > 
> > 
> > 
> From which I extracted:
> Which failed for one of the following reasons:
> 	no SUBJECT specified
> 	no ADDRESSes specified
> 	no MAILTOs specified
> 	you are a wanker
> That is all.

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