Kyle H on 7 Jun 2002 21:51:03 -0000

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[eia] French land and naval setup

    Hi guys!  Here are France's land and naval setup orders.  I hope the
other 4 of you who still have naval setup orders to complete can do so by
Tuesday night so that we can try out our weekly schedule.  (For those who
may have forgotten the goals we hope to achieve are: Political/Reinforcement
orders by midnight Wednesday, Naval orders by noon on Friday, Land orders by
midnight on Monday.)  Let's give it a test-run and see if we can meet these
    But before we can start with Jan. 1805, we need to finish those naval
orders.  Mine are in, so next up is Russia, then Turkey, followed by Spain,
and finally GB.

    Here's France's setup:

Garrisons:  5 inf. at Ajaccio (Corsica)

Depots at Toulon, Strassbourg, Minden, and Mainz.

1I at Piacenza
1I at Genoa
1I at Toulon
1I at La Rochelle
1I at St. Malo
2I at Paris
1I at Amsterdam
1I w/Davout at Strassbourg
2I w/Napoleon, Murat, Ney, & Bernadotte at Mainz
1I w/Massena at Minden
Holland at Lille


1st at St. Malo
2nd at La Rochelle
3rd at Toulon
4th at Genoa
Holland at Amsterdam


P.S.  I've attached a map that should be up-to-date.  Enjoy!

Attachment: NavalSetup.gsn
Description: Binary data