Alex Fink on 26 Oct 2003 01:59:43 -0000

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[TCG] Roger Norling lives!

I was just pleasantly surprised by receiving this.   


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: remember me?
Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2003 00:23:23 +0000
From: Roger Norling <r_norling@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: a00@xxxxxxx

I've finaly taken some time to inform you that I am not dead.

first off... the gristmas game isn't dead, is it? How many are you?

I remember it as yesterday, "n that case you might consider withdrawing
the game.", on which I answeared "I will be away for a few weeks, that's 
all" (or something like that). Well.. it didn't turn out like that, did 

I were about to do a forum for the game.. do you still what it?
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