Ray Tayek on Wed, 26 Apr 2006 18:21:37 -0500 (CDT)

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[ALACPP] Fwd: Have a C/C++ position (Direct Hire and a Contract) avail in 818 (Agoura Hills, CA) area code


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>To: "Joanne Smith" <JSmith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: Have a C/C++ position (Direct Hire and a Contract) avail in 
>818 (Agoura
>  Hills, CA) area code
>X-Mailer: Lotus Notes Release 5.0.11   July 24, 2002
>From: "Joanne Smith" <JSmith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 13:14:27 -0700
>X-MIMETrack: Serialize by Router on IRV-DOM01/BCSI(Release 
>5.0.11  |July 24, 2002) at 04/26/2006
>  01:16:39 PM,
>         Serialize complete at 04/26/2006 01:16:39 PM
>Hi there,
>I have the following positions available.  Was checking on your 
>current status and availability and of course interest.   Also 
>checking to see if you know of anyone that might be interested.
>Please review the summary and let me know your status and 
>interest.  If not available, please reply back with your update and 
>next availability as well as indicate if you are looking for 
>contract only or contract to hire and/or direct hire/perm positions 
>and what locations.
>If interested, please reply back with your updated resume and 
>daytime contact with the best time to reach you.
>Pls note:  the quickest and best way to respond and reaching me is 
>thru email to jsmith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Thanks again.  Look forward to hearing from you.
>Title: Software Engineer
>Duration: Direct Hire
>Location: Agoura Hills, CA
>Our client is seeking a Software Engineer to become an important 
>member of our project teams in Product Development and Engineering. 
>As a Software Engineer, you will analyze software requirements to 
>determine feasibility of design within time and cost constraints as 
>well as perform requirements analysis, preliminary design, detailed 
>design, code and unit testing of software. You will be expected to 
>productively participate in architectural and detailed design review 
>and code audits, provide technical support for customer 
>reviews/presentations and participate in technical interchange 
>working group meetings. Typical duties include researching, 
>designing, and developing computer software systems.
>Qualifications include at least 5 years of experience working in 
>C/C++, DOS, Linux, Windows, Drivers, Real Time Embedded Software and 
>Video. Experience with Linux, Video and Audio are essential, 
>experience with Hardware and Project Management highly preferred 
>with excellent analytical skills. BSEE/BSCS or equivalent.
>If interested, please submit resume with the following answers:
># of years of experience with C/C++
># of years of experience developing within Win32
># of years of experience developing within UNIX
># of years of experience with Linux
># of years of experience with Real Time Embedded Software Development
># of years of experience with Video
># of years of experience with Audio
># of years of experience with Project Management / Project Lead
>Current location:
>Daytime Contact number:
>Title: Software Engineer
>Duration: 6-12 months
>Location: Agoura Hills, CA
>Client is in need of a Microsoft Engineer Contractor for a 6 to 12 
>month engagement to create application software for test and 
>validation of client's encoded streams generated by various versions 
>of the released encoders. This person must be proficient in 
>Microsoft tools, WIN32. This person should have experience in Unix 
>tools such as AWK and SED to facilitate text analysis, and 
>application tools such as PERL to automate scripting of processes 
>and procedures to analyze text and data.  Five plus years of 
>experience in C/C++, Windows/Linux/Unix, BSCS/BSCE 
>preferred.  Prefer candidate with Computer Sciences degree.  Prefer 
>candidate with design and review experience.  Any background 
>experience with defense and engineering a major plus.
>If interested, please submit resume with the following answers:
># of years of experience with C/C++
># of years of experience developing within Win32
># of years of experience developing within UNIX
># of years of experience with AWK
># of years of experience with SED
># of years of experience with Perl
># of years of experience with scripting in Windows
>Current location:
>Daytime Contact number:
>Thanks for your cooperation.  Pls email jsmith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Joanne Caluya Smith
>Senior Technical Recruiter
>Ballantyne, Inc.
>800-732-4680 x136
>949-885-3000 x136
>Yahoo Instant Messenger: joanne_bcsi

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