Ray Tayek on Thu, 19 Jan 2006 13:48:43 -0600 (CST)

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Re: [ALACPP] memory leak

At 08:13 AM 1/19/2006, you wrote:

24 bytes would be the size of the _Node type for the std::map<MapSite::Direction,MapSite *> you're using (this would be the the same size for nodes of all maps using the std traits, regardless of value_type, I believe). A new node is created everytime you invoke insert.

that sortamakes sense.

In the VS2003 implementation, the _Node type contains the following fields (each 4 bytes in size):

    _Left    _Parent    _Right    _Myval    _Color    _Isnil

What you're seeing isn't a memory leak. The map itself will deallocate the nodes at destruction time.

it does not seem to do that.


Ray Tayek <rtayek@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
sorry about the large post, used to java
At 05:39 PM 1/18/2006, you wrote:
> > At 11:21 PM 1/17/2006, you wrote:
> > >hi, trying to code up some stuff for a class ...
> >
> > it's worse than i thought. the code below seems to also have the leak:
> > MapSite *Room::setSide(MapSite::Direction direction,MapSite *mapSite) {
> > MapSite *rc=NULL;
> > pair::iterator,bool>
> > p=sides_.insert(map
> > *>::value_type(direction,mapSite));
> > if(!p.second)
> > { rc=p.first->second; p.first->second=mapSite; }
> > }
> >

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