Jon Stewart on Wed, 18 Jan 2006 19:39:20 -0600 (CST)

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Re: [ALACPP] memory leak

> At 11:21 PM 1/17/2006, you wrote:
> >hi, trying to code up some stuff for a class  ...
> it's worse than i thought. the code below seems to also have the leak:
> MapSite *Room::setSide(MapSite::Direction direction,MapSite *mapSite) {
>          MapSite *rc=NULL;
>          pair<map<MapSite::Direction,MapSite *>::iterator,bool> 
> p=sides_.insert(map<MapSite::Direction,MapSite 
> *>::value_type(direction,mapSite));
>          if(!p.second)
>                  { rc=p.first->second; p.first->second=mapSite; }
> }
> anybody got a clue

Hi Ray! Some questions:

1. What are you using for a leak detection tool?

2. Can you post the code to the whole class?

3. Why the raw pointers?

4. When you put a MapSite into the list, is the map supposed to be the 
sole owner of that object now? When the map is destroyed, or when the item 
is removed, is it supposed to be destroyed?


Jon Stewart
alacpp mailing list