Jon Stewart on Fri, 19 Nov 2004 23:23:31 -0600 (CST)

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[ALACPP] Boost 1.32

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+ NOTE: This is a stripped-down copy of the Boost 1.32.0 release   +
+ notes. See for the full version.            +

Important - New Toolset Names
- -----------------------------

The names of some the Boost.Build toolsets have been changed to remove
the "." (dot) character and to fix some other naming
inconsistencies. For example, vc7.1 toolset was renamed to become
vc-7_1. Please refer to the Supported Toolsets section of the
installation guide for the complete list of the current toolset
names. This change was made as a part of the effort to make the Boost
distribution compatible with ISO 9660 level 2 requirements.

New Libraries
- -------------

  * Assignment Library: Filling containers with constant or generated
    data has never been easier, from Thorsten Ottosen.
  * Minmax Library: Standard library extensions for simultaneous
    min/max and min/max element computations, from HervÂ?
  * Multi-index Containers Library: Containers with multiple
    STL-compatible access interfaces, from JoaquÂ?n M LÂ?pez
  * Numeric Conversion Library: Optimized policy-based numeric
    conversions, from Fernando Cacciola.
  * Program Options Library: Access to configuration data given on
    command line, in config files and other sources, from Vladimir
  * Range Library: A new infrastructure for generic algorithms that
    builds on top of the new iterator concepts, from Thorsten Ottosen.
  * Serialization Library: Serialization/de-serialization of arbitrary
    C++ data structures to various formats including text, binary, and
    xml, from Robert Ramey.
  * String Algorithms Library: Collection of string related algorithms
    for case conversion, trimming, find/replace operations and more,
    from Pavol Droba.
  * Tribool: 3-state boolean type library,  from Doug Gregor.

Updated Libraries
- -----------------

  * Compose: This deprecated library has been removed.

  * Graph:

	  - Added bundled properties to the adjacency_list and
        adjacency_matrix class templates, greatly simplifying the
        introduction of internal vertex and edge properties.

      - The LEDA  graph adaptors have been ported to  LEDA 4.5.

	  - Added algorithms for betweenness centrality and betweenness
        centrality clustering.

      - Added circle  layout and undirected  spring layout algorithms.

  * MPL Library:

      - Updated to use the Boost Software License.
      - New documentation, including a complete reference manual.
      - Major interface changes and improvements, many of which are
        not backward compatible. Please refer to the 1.32 changelog
        for the detailed information about upgrading to the new

  * Python Library:
      - Updated to use the Boost Software License.

      - A new, better method of wrapping classes with virtual
        functions has been implemented.

      - Support for the new Python Bool type, thanks to Daniel Holth.

      - Support for upcoming GCC symbol export control features have
        been folded in, thanks to Niall Douglas.

      - Improved support for std::auto_ptr-like types.

      - Components used by other libraries have been moved out of
        python/detail and into  boost/detail to improve dependency

      - Miscellaneous bug fixes and compiler workarounds.

  * Signals Library: Introduced deterministic slot ordering,
    permitting slots to be connected at the beginning or end of slot
    groups or the slot list itself. Combiners may safely have state
    and are accessible from the signal.

  * Utility: class template result_of added.

  * Test Library:

      - namespace names gets shorten; old one still supported till
        next release.

      - added proper encoding of XML PCDATA.

      - support for wide string comparison implemented.

      For complete list of changes see Test Library  release notes.

Regression tests
- -----------------

This release has been extensively tested on a variety of different
compilers and platforms.  It is known to contain no regressions
against the previous reference release on the compilers and
configurations tested. Please refer to the corresponding regression
reports at
to see how well your compiler performs on the new Boost codebase.

- ----------------

This release wouldn't have been possible without the dedicated effort
of many, many members of the Boost community who generously
contributed their outstanding expertise, time and energy to making it
happen. For patches, bug fixes, troubleshooting, expert advice, and
prompt responses to the release manager's requests we thank:

David Abrahams, Misha Bergal, Jonathan Brandmeyer, Fernando Cacciola,
Marshall Clow, Christopher Currie, Pavol Droba, Caleb Epstein, Eric
Friedman, Jeff Garland, Michael Glassford, Doug Gregor, Joel de
Guzman, Hubert Holin, Jaakko JÂ?rvi, Hartmut Kaiser, Bronek Kozicki,
Tarjei Knapstad, Toon Knapen, Aaron W. LaFramboise, JoaquÂ?n M
LÂ?pez MuÂ?oz, Christoph Ludwig, John Maddock, Paul Mensonides,
Guillaume Melquiond, Thorsten Ottosen, Vladimir Prus, Robert Ramey,
Rene Rivera, Gennadiy Rozental, Stefan Slapeta, Jonathan Turkanis,
Pavel Vozenilek, Jonathan Wakely, Daryle Walker, Victor A. Wagner
Jr. and Martin Wille.

Also, our special thanks go to: John Maddock for the managing the
effort of converting the majority of the Boost libraries to the Boost
Software License, Eric Niebler and Joel de Guzman for taking on the
important job of improving the Boost documentation's look and feel,
and last, but not least, to our regression test runners, without whom
we simply would never have released: Toon Knapen, Bronek Kozicki, Rene
Rivera, Markus SchÂ?pflin, Stefan Slapeta, Victor A. Wagner Jr. and
Martin Wille.

Thank you everybody!

- -- 
Aleksey Gurtovoy
MetaCommunications Engineering

Boost-users mailing list

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Jon Stewart                                 Advanced Los Angeles C++
alacpp mailing list